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WON News - Feb 19th Newsletter

Already posted it prior to having to go out but:


Dreamer is the new head of creative. May the old ones help us.


"I am part of the creative team. I am not the head of creative. If I was I'd book myself to beat Moose and win the world title. Everything is still intact from before."


'The AEW deal with CMLL is that on any TV show that CMLL talent appears on, no other Mexican wrestlers can appear. Doesn’t matter if they work for AAA or not, or did in the past, it’s no other Mexican wrestlers can appear.

Some of the prior Mexican talent is mad that Tony Khan agreed to those terms, noting that AAA never made a demand like that.'

Comment from Luchablog: "every two months AEW fans find out for the very first time that AAA and CMLL are not friends"


“When we mentioned last week about morale being the best it has been in a long time, it was noted that the talent is getting along more than it has. But with so many wrestlers under contract and only so many that can be pushed, inherently there is going to be frustration because most on the roster are not people just happy to not show their stuff and perform just because they are making good money. There are exceptions to that rule but when you put together a roster of high level performers they are going to want to perform. There is also frustration from a lot of circles since talent comes to the shows and sees the smaller crowds since the start of the year. Khan always paints a positive picture about the company being stronger due to increased revenues, or bringing up ratings, and there’s the feeling that popularity is declining overall and changes have to be made to turn it around and he’s acting like everything is fine”


“Nikkita Lyons is injured again, just coming back from a injury.”


“There is said to be far more behind the scenes that hasn’t come out but given the timing can’t be talked about now. But Johnson over the weekend said it was best to be out of the Reigns match, put Cody in, which by this point everyone conceded by then. It was Johnson who then pitched the heel turn and he did pitch the idea of the Reigns & Rock vs. Rhodes & Rollins match for night one. So that was his idea if that is how it turns out.”

"Rey Mysterio’s return now looks to be in a few weeks."

"He was hoping for late January but is pretty close to being ready to return."

"The only thing we were told regarding WWE writer and producer Jennifer Pepperman’s departure was that she wanted a change. It was noted she was close to Mercedes Mone"

"It’s been noted with Paul Heyman showing up in the Bron Breakker segment on Smackdown, that this could be a subtle start for a program way down the line."

  • The worst thing that ever happened to Uncle Dave was the internet, in the early days his newsletters always seemed vetted and well-rounded, then as the internet caught on and the lockerroom started to use it things got a little murkier with bad stories getting in and retractions sometimes needing to happen. Now that the wrestlers know more about how to use the internet than he does, it's like he is pumping out some really bad stuff that isn't vetted at all or he's getting worked harder than a government mule. I still enjoy his work to a point, but it's like most "news" these days, it's clearly not what it was, the need to post it immediately to get that scoop first leads to bad reporting and has tarnished his image for a lot of people.