As part of the same process outlined in Matthias Clasen's "LibreOffice packages" email , my management chain has made the decision to stop a...
One of RedHat's packagers drops a lot of important packages' maintainership due to management chain decisions. These include:
gnome-bluetooth (including Settings panel and gnome-shell integration)
totem, totem-pl-parser, gom
gvfs AFC backend
...and "Kernel work, reviews and maintenance, including recent work on SteelSeries headset and Logitech devices kernel drivers, USB revoke for Flatpak Portal support, or core USB".
He is one of the key people to get all of the low level components "just work", and a big part of why I use Fedora as my go to desktop distribution. This kind of work is a key part of providing a smooth desktop experience, sad to see RedHat stopping to support it.
This is really disappointing and seems to underscore the feeling that RedHat/IBM is abandoning (or pulling back from) the Linux desktop.
I think the frustrating thing is that we are in a position where we are so dependent on one company to fund and bankroll so much of the ecosystem (particularly when it comes to the desktop). FOSS really needs to figure out a sustainable way of funding and support developers who work on infrastructure and background systems (ie. beyond apps or games which have high visibility).
Florian Gilcher just posted some related thoughts on funding when talking about Non-Thoughts on the OSI – in short: Ruby, JavaScript, Rust, Python built up and rely on their communities