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At what point is your system bloated?

I feel my system is perpetually bloated, and try to maintain what applications I have installed but always seem to veer off into new applications or python modules and what ever else.

Just wondering how does one keep a lean daily use system?

  • If you want to keep your main system lean, the best you can do is shove every project in a container or VM that way you can easily dispose of it, or at least know what's for what.

    Honestly, I embrace the bloat. Yes, my root partition is 50+GB big not even including /var. But none of it is really running or used. It's a lot of disk space for stuff that gets used once in a blue moon.

    I could clean it all up, but I also don't miss going dependency hunting whenever I want to use something from GitHub. As it is, I can pretty much git clone and play most repos and everything works out of the box. I have the toolchains for Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, NodeJS, Rust, D, C#, C/C++, Haskell, OCaml, Java, Android, Android NDK, and whatever other crap I can't even think of. Wouldn't be surprised if I have a Fortran or TurboPascal compiler laying around.

    And that's kind of a lot nicer than 50GB of extra space on one of my 3 ZFS pools. My system performs to my liking, shows no sign of slowdowns, and it handles basically everything I throw at it.

    alias orphans='paru -Qtdq | paru -Rns - && pw-play --volume=0.2 "/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga" &!'

    I occasionally run this after a

    pacman -Q | nvim

    and looking through for any garbage.

    and then a sudo pacdiff to fix up old config files.

    but I do that like once a year or so. that's all it really takes unless you're constantly installing stuff.

    • i have a similar method of manual review

      installed() {
          pacman -Qs "$1" | awk -F/ '/^local/ {print $2}' | cut -d' ' -f 1
      basically gets all installed packages and displays only package name, i can then manually look through and remove stuff
  • Not having multiple versions of a piece of software in the base system stack. if something is custom keep it isolated to be yeeted as needed

  • when software is sluggish to respond.. like a modern browser with 100 heavy js tabs open. esp when it crashes or freezes.
    otherwise.. its hard to be unhappy with a simple self-configured WM(not a "batteries-included fancy DE). and preferably a very simple diy distro.

    difficulty in fixing problems is a more relevant issue.

  • Octopi is a good debloat management that helps me remove unnecessary packages.