Tipping culture npcs
Tipping culture npcs
Tipping culture npcs
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Ahh yes, verge of a recession, but there's enough money to patronize a sit down restaurant where it's well known that the owner pays their staff starvation wages. Fuck your server!
Yeah...... If you can't afford the tip, then you can't afford the meal. If you're morally opposed to tipping culture, then don't give money to the restaurants who rely on tipping.
Not tipping at a restaurant isn't some revolutionary act, it's just being a dick to workers. Waiters aren't some sort of class betrayer, they're just another worker being screwed over by management.
I don't like tipping culture either, but at the end of the week that waiter is still going to have to pay rent.
So I need to stop using a service because of the way they treat their workers?
Yes, it's pretty easy to find a restaurant with self service.
Tell me, do you use Amazon? Walmart? Do you eat McDonald's? Or Dunkin donuts?
No, I don't. Most vendors on Walmart or Amazon have their own stores online with the same pricing, and I don't eat fast food.
Fuck yes you entitled douche!
If you are morally opposed to how a service treats its workers and you still use the service, you're aren't actually morally opposed, you're just an asshole virtue signaler.
Yeah, if you're not tipping, you're not fucking over the owner. You're not railing against the tipping system. You're just fucking over your server. Which makes you a dick.
If everyone stopped tipping, the wait staff would demand more money, or leave. The owner would have to pay more to employees.
So yeah, not tipping is fucking over the waiter, unless everyone stopped tipping. Then that would fuck over the owner.
And then you would pay more for your meal, bringing it up to the same price as you paid before with the tip. Except probably the servers would make less money. People seem to overlook the fact that servers actually tend to make pretty good money in comparison to jobs with similar qualifications (although there's a bunch of caveats on that).
And then there would be fewer patrons because the higher price is not optional. Staff would be cut, and eventually the restaurant would downsize or close. Servers that make good money are the exception, and that is due to tips.
If tips weren’t an issue. The meme would be irrelevant and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Let’s no go halfway; have customers pay the full salaries of all employees, including benefits. See how ridiculous that sounds.
If tipping is mandatory, it isn't tipping anymore.
Enjoy what you get and get lost. If you can't handle not getting extra money, go for a good job, where doing the bare minimum of your job also won't get you extra money, surprisingly.
I mean, in a practical sense, tipping is not optional in the US, at least in the context of sit down restaurants with a server. This is pretty well understood by the vast majority of Americans no matter how loudly people on the internet complain about it.
A lot of the noise as of late has been because as services like Square have become more common for POS payments, they default to including a tip screen. And so people are upset about the view that they're being "forced" to give tips to types of jobs that have never traditionally been tipped (and apparently they're too weak willed to just press "no tip").
Weeg, I honestly don't have a list with wage tables for each restaurant that I visit.
Don't restaurants have to obey minimum wages? If they do, the waiters earn just like everyone else. If they don't, then why the f don't they?
Where is minimum wage livable?
In most places wait staff only need to be paid the minimum wage if their next-to-nothing wage plus tips doesn't exceed minimum wage.
The issue is: why are restaurants not paying their staff "proper" wages? Why are they the outlier, subsidised by customers?
If I eat at a restaurant, I already know I need to tip to make up the embarrassing gap between what the restaurant pays them and what a proper wage would be. Just raise your stupid prices to account for that and let me not do math after I eat.
But no, the Great Unwashed love a good illusion, so posting the actual price of a meal will drive them away. Adult society is full of toddlers.
If you say it's not your problem and still go out to eat you're a dick and you're full of shit.
The waiter isn't patronizing the establishment in either sense of the word....
In no interpretation of the English language did my sentence imply that the waiter was the one eating at the restaurant.
The "Fuck your server" At the end implies the preceding statement is about the server and it's a bit jarring to read if it's not.
Fuck your server, "Fuck your server", or Fuck your server /s would have been more clear.
While the sarcasm is clear in your head when you write it, it's often lost if you don't denote it in some way. That's why /s became a thing.
You almost got it. So close.
Show me those italics
The meal is plenty affordable until the wait staff demands the outrageous amount if 25%.