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‘It’s That Simple’: Mark Meckler Says The Only Way To Secure The Border Is By Invading Mexico

Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation and a leading proponent of the right-wing movement to get state legislatures to call for a dangerous Article V convention that will consider constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government now does unconstitutional.

“I don’t think there’s any way to solve this permanently without military action,” Meckler declared. “[We need a buffer zone] like the DMZ between the Koreas. It needs to be a kilometer of cleared territory that is a no man zone; you come in here and we believe you have hostile intent, we’re going to clear you out.”

“We need to exterminate the cartels and that means going into Mexico,” Meckler asserted. “Now people would say, ‘You’re violating a sovereign country’s territory.’ Well, Mexico is not a sovereign country any longer. Mexico is a failed narco state. The federal government is not in control of their military. The federal government is not in control of their police Their state governments are not, their local governments are not in control of their police forces. That is a failed narco-terrorist state and so we have to treat it as such.”

“To me, this is like Gaza. They’re invading our country. They’re invading our country every day. They’re killing our people, and we have to go in and use maximum force to oust them and create a buffer zone along the border. If we do that, we’ll have border security. It’s that simple.”

  • The logic of this rhetoric is essentially the same as the logic of modern Russia- "we need a buffer zone", and the target country "is not a country" and it's not genocide or imperialism when we have a reason to do it but we don't have a reason so we have to tell lies to convince our people that we do have one.

  • best thing for Texas to do is secede so that Mexico can re-occupy it.. then the border becomes Oklahoma's problem, and Texas doesn't have to worry about it any more..

  • Tell me, Mark, was it that simple the day we marched into the Middle-East for over 20+ years before everything became undone in less than a week once we left? All of those billions and billions we've spent in that effort. Was it really that simple?

    Nice hitler salute in the image, you fucking clown. (Even if it's not, I'll treat any gesture like that from a right-winger as an admission of nazism).