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Vikunja - The open-source, self-hostable to-do app

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Vikunja | The open-source, self-hostable to-do app

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  • I've been looking for an alternative to Google keep. This looks promising!

  • It was a decent experience, but it had too many features to meet my taste. I like basic things. Their automatic timer detection supports a lot of formats, but it doesn't support something like "in 5 minutes," but it does support "in 5 hours/months/weeks.". Too bad, I frequently forget to do things throughout the day, so I have trained myself to set up quick-to-do tasks to remind myself a few minutes later. But doing it an hour later is asking for too much. 

  • Looks promising, but not having an iOS app is a dealbreaker for me.

    • It's available on smart phones, but you have to install it as a PWA.

    • It literally prompts you to install to your desktop, meaning it's had at least the minimum amount of effort spent to make a decent mobile experience. Did you try it?

      • A desktop is nice, but my to-do things get crossed off on my iPhone 99% of the day, so still not very useful