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  • just a heads up, this method of polling won't account for people on instances without downvote turned on, like mine. hopefully we're statistically insignificant enough not to skew your results

  • One Prius Prime I share with my wife. I commute by bike and public transit but having a family car is still very handy and my wife uses it to commute.

  • I'm currently car free although admittedly not by choice. I've wanted a world where you don't need a car for a long time and we need to make public transit better because I just waited an hour for a bus and that isn't fun.

  • Only my mother has one, and she needs it for work. And by work, I don't mean to take the road that can be taken by bus, but often to go to villages with little to no public transport.

  • I don't. Move to a city with very good public transport a year ago. It's really a blessing.

  • I grew up in a car-less household, so I'm used to walking or using public transport. I cycle to work and walk or use the bus or train for shopping. I only get a lift by car when visiting one of my relatives because it's three buses each way and the route there has too many twists and turns for me to feel confident cycling.

  • Mine got totaled about 6 years ago. I live in a city, so getting around with public transit, rideshares, street scooters, etc, isn't too bad. I can get where I need to get easily and cheaply enough. There's plenty of times where it's a burden not having one, but honestly 99/100 days, it doesn't bother me at all.

    That said, I'd still love it if my city was more walkable, in general. If I wanna get somewhere by foot, my options are pretty limited.

  • I live 400 meters from the grocery story and I have a hand cart to carry the groceries home. I have a motor scooter for travel to the nearest large town which I go to once a month.

  • We have 2 cars. I’m selling one the one that doesn’t work right now and the other car we need to get our family around in our small college town surrounded by rural farms.

  • I drive mine maybe once or twice a month, I wish there was better train transportation to the places where I want to go (and there absolutely should be), but all the public transit around me is a clusterfuck nightmare.

    Other than that it's bicycle or bus where the bus works.