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How do you push through a book you aren't enjoying?

I ask because I tend to jump off a book if It's not grabbing me, which at times limits me with regards to what I'm reading.

Does it matter? Is it something I should try to push past or am I overthinking this and should just enjoy what I enjoy?

  • You don't. Just pick something else. Reading should be pleasant, not a torture.

    • Not exclusively, I have occasionally finished things that were challenging more than enjoyable. But I'm thinking about the content, not that they were just poorly written. Eg books on fgm, holocaust, etc.

  • Don't. Life's too short.

    If you're enjoying it but it's a hard read take a break and try again. If you're just not enjoying it sack it.

  • Enjoy what you enjoy—life’s too short and there are too many other books out there to waste time on what you don’t enjoy! I have no qualms about not finishing a book, no matter how far along I’ve gotten. I’ve been known to skip to the last chapter or last few pages just to see how it ends, then move on.

    On the other hand, for books that you have to read (for school, e.g.) set a goal of X pages per day, and reward yourself when you make the goal. I also find it helps to read more interactively: take notes, argue with the author, think about what you read and whether it’s total b.s. or whether there was anything, however small, of value in it.

  • Life is too short to keep up hobbies that don't bring you joy. If that book ain't doing it for you, shelve it for now and try a different one.

  • I don't. When I'm clearly not enjoying a book and don't feel like finishing it, I stop and move on. Unless I have a pressing reason, I see no point in pushing myself to do something I hate. Reading is for me is fun and interesting, it is not something I do to torture myself. Sometimes it's hard to "give up" on a book, but in the end life is too short.

    Do what you enjoy the way that works for you, there are no rules.

  • I don’t. There way to many books that I want to read and oh so little time.

    If it doesn’t grab you and you are truly not enjoying it, just DNF the book and move on.

    If that doesn’t work for you, you could try to make a “goal”. Like “read 60-70 pages before DNF”.

  • I usually just stop reading it. My problem is with books I'm liking, but not vibing with at the moment. I used to keep going, but realized that by doing this I'd give it "bad review" because I wasn't feeling it at the time. Now I just put it aside and come back later. Even if many months or years later

  • It depends. There have been books that I have HAD to read and I survived by making notes in the margins about how everything they are saying is wrong. :)

    For stuff I didn't HAVE to read? Fuck that, life is too short. I might consider going back some day, but in most cases, never have.

    I got 100 pages into Dune and walked away, that was probably 40 years ago now.

  • I skip to the last chapter, and if I don't understand it, keep skipping back until I do. Or just put it down for a couple of weeks.

  • When I was young (think middle school) I would read 3-4 books at a time. Not because I like the challenge but because I got bored or the book had larger or more complex words that I was not familiar with. So I would take a break from it and try another.

    Nowadays I treat audiobooks the same as I did when I was young. I also read book I really want to read one at a time these days. I have liked savoring the story a bit more or reflecting on what I read a bit more than just trying to read the book, this has allowed me to get through books that when I was younger I would avoided for the slow pace.

    Now if I truly detest a book for any number of reasons I will drop it. It doesn’t mean I won’t go back to finish it, but the best example is Wheel of time by Robert Jordan. I got to book 7 and I finally had, had enough. I just could not deal with the amount of groups he would switch between to tell his stories. The books and story aren’t bad, I just go tired of dealing with it.

    Edits: for grammar and clarity.