Approximately happy ending
Approximately happy ending
Approximately happy ending
I think we have different understandings of what constitutes a happy ending
My massage parlor also has a different understanding of what constitutes a happy ending.
Happy for her. It wasn't promised to the reader.
Oh hey, this comic is by Rebecca Sugar, creator of Steven Universe! They have some interesting comics, like Don't Cry For Me I'm Already Dead
Thank you and curse you for introducing me to this.
Oof. I read that on my break at work and now I can't stop crying. That was so heartbreaking.
"It was just a dream" and "you are dead" are such cheap tricks for storytelling. Annoying.
I took it as hallucinations due to oxygen deprivation ¯(ツ)/¯
Well it wasn’t a dream we see that from the beginning, and we know she is going to die because there’s no way to survive that. So we know she’s going through some last minute coping to die somewhat happy, it’s not a cheap annoying trick in actuality. However, if you take it as cheap that’s fine too
The strip is written by Rebecca Sugar; she thrives in cheap storytelling. To her excuse, this is from 2010.
But I like this art style.
Well now I want to cry 😢
But how did you survive the explosion of Namek?
...Muffin button.
Dem boobies floppin about in zero grav doe
It's a Jacob's ladder type situation
Reminds me of that bit in Gravity that some people got really angry about for no apparent reason.
This is pretty much the plot of Lost.
Spoiler for the movie Gravity:
In Gravity, George Clooney's character wasn't her husband and it was he who drifted away. But other than that, it's a pretty common interpretation that this is the same thing that happened to Sandra Bullock's character. That she died and the ending on Earth was her already being dead. This comic is basically a summary of the movie.
If you're implying they were dead the whole time, they were not.
That would have been so much better. Not good. But so much better.
Well, the last season of a 6 season show.