Why do they use capital R
To subliminally make you think about Reddit.
Isn't there some degree of slavery in the coffee bean industry?
I’m sure there is. There is in practically everything we buy.
This would be great if wasn't a subtle ad for Starbucks
The idea is to implant the idea of Starbucks in your mind by having the logo there so when you think of coffee you are more likely to think of Starbucks
100% the Lemmy response I expected.
What a weird response. This is literally how marketing works.
Are you suggesting that Starbucks gives a single fuck beyond trying to post quotes that might go viral with their logo directly next to them? Why else would they have their logo right there?
I've been noticing a trend of defensiveness when people get called out for astroturfing and I can't tell if you're defensive because you know what you're doing, or because you don't want to acknowledge that you're accidentally doing it.
Be kind to each other, you're all under the same boot. Pay no attention to the 5 toes of corporations keeping you all there