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  • harmful to the global south





    Ho Chi Mihn Thought

    Harm is when you improve the country and the living conditions

  • 4 tiers of "Hasn't made a material impact on the world" and one tier of "Has made a material impact on the world"

    I'd move Anarcho-communism/syndicalism down to the bottom tier because they also had material impact on world, while moving nazbol, "unconditional accelerationism" and... I think it says Ujaman? The green one on the very berry bottom. No offense but I haven't heard of it. Anyways, move those three out of there, and lastly merge Leninism, Marxism-Leninism, and Stalinism into one, because thats just repeating yourself three times.

  • how is "post civ" very cool but "anarcho primitivism" no bueno?

    aren't they the same thing?

    edit: and "anti civ"is in the aite row.

    • "some people on twitter said that anarcho primitivism is based, but some other people said it's equivalent to fascism. i cannot be bothered to find out what their arguments actually were, and i have never actually read any critiques of civilization because my interest in the topic extends to finding a new polandball guy to draw, so i'll uncritically download and repeat both opinions as my own."

    • anti/post "civ" is a different critique from the primitivist one, its not about technology but like the ideological/cultural construction of "civilisation" and its opposite "uncivilized".

      i've read some okay takes on it, but its not like a full political programme. not that that stops these reddit idiots trying to invent tendencies, lol

  • New ideology on display here - Western Burger Thought. It's anarchism with Burger American characteristics, which boils down to the belief that since you've never experienced or seen a good leader wield the power of the state for the liberation of the working class, then it must not be possible. Ergo, the power of institutions is the only enemy of the working class.

  • wait we can do this? BRB I'm gonna go do a tier list about which trees make the best lumber despite knowing next to nothing about milling and curing wood. Then I'm gonna do a tier list of all the anime I haven't watched based off vibes I get from what people who don't like anime have said.