I knew it was time.
I knew it was time.
I knew it was time.
I mean, the cost benefit would really lie in just how many birds.
For that we first need to pin several down to a hard number, but its a crafty bugger and constantly changes its value.
We can with confidence say at a minimum it is at least more than two birds.
Reading the last part reminds me of the end of every Tim and Eric Awesome Job, Great Show!
Damn it I feel like I got Rick rolled.
What TV show said Ab-so-lutey at the end?
Some adult swim stuff, definitely Tim & Eric
I don't get it.
Neither do I.
[Vernor Vinge says hi.](dog-like creatures, dubbed "Tines", who live in packs as group minds.)
Hey fire upon the deep, I could never picture the tines not just as normal dogs
Flock n roll
Buh buh buh, berds the werd