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I like women but I also like cock but I'm not otherwise attracted to the male body at all. Wtf is my sexual orientation? AITA?

I like women. I like the shape and curves of the female body. I like boobs, I like asses, I like pretty vaginas. I also appreciate and am aroused by a nice cock. I'm however not otherwise attracted to the male body. I like femboys as long as they have a feminine-like shape and curves, as many of them do.

WTF is my sexual orientation?

  • Strictly speaking, that's simply bisexual. Femboys are boys. That being said, there is no "correct" answer here that anyone else can give you.

    The correct label is the one that helps you navigate the world and your own needs the best. If bisexual fits, congrats, that's it. If it doesn't, it's not, and your search continues :)

    • I wouldn't say bisexual makes sense categorically for anyone who dislikes half of the masculinity/femininity spectrum. I mean it is a bit different with femboys, but I also suspect attraction there is very superficial (esp. if the look uses silicone body stuff) and likely wouldn't work as much in-person especially on a relationship level.

      There is the term gynephilia, though I also don't expect something like that to be casually mentioned/understood/accepted. In which case, no good answer I guess.

      • I wouldn’t say bisexual makes sense categorically for anyone who dislikes half of the masculinity/femininity spectrum.

        Bisexual is simply someone that is attracted more than one gender. Nothing to do with masculinity or femininity, so in this case, as I said, it's a perfectly acceptable label. But if it doesn't help the OP navigate the world or understand themselves, then it's not the right label for them. If gynephilia does help them, then that's the right term.

    • I think Hetroflexable is more of a fit for OP

    • Its not bisexual, assuming bisexual means in this context a biologically born man who is equally sexually attracted to gay men and straight women, or bi men and bi women.

      It also is not pansexual, as there's clearly /I don't actually have equal sexual attraction to literally anyone/ going on.

      I am actually like this too, have been for a long time.

      Now, I do not want to presume to speak for this person, so the rest of this is just me.

      Maybe they can chime in and agree or disagree.

      Absolutely not attracted to men, of any kind of presentation.

      But... I'd love to fall in love with a woman who could peg me, or a transwoman. I'd fellatio a transwoman's unit no problem. But not a gay man, or a bi man.

      So... by that, we've got what used to be called basically a kinky guy?

      And while I am an lgtbq ally (or arguably member), Ive always been comfortable with my own male body, and basically present as a cis male.

      So, its some new kind of sexuality/gender there is not really a name for yet.

      At least for me, it isn't femboy, as I have 0 interest in being essentially a feminine cross dresser with very submissive personality traits and cutesy uwu affectations.

      I have nothing against femboys, but I personally would not be interested in a romantic or sexual relationship with one.

      • assuming bisexual means in this context a biologically born man who is equally sexually attracted to gay men and straight women

        Bisexual doesn't mean that... Bisexual means someone who is attracted to two or more genders...

        At least for me, it isn’t femboy

        The OP explicitly said they're attracted to femboys, so their experience is different to yours.

        The only person who can say whether bisexual is the right label for the OP though is the OP. But if they feel it fits, it fits exactly the experience they've described.

  • What you are today is not what you'll be tomorrow. Let yourself be. You don't owe explanations to anyone about what you like.

  • Sexuality is a spectrum that doesn't have clean boundaries. Some people exist in an area that could be considered "straight," for example, but there aren't hard walls blocking straight people from leaving or queer people from entering.

    The less you try to define your sexuality and the more you try to be comfortable with liking what you like, the happier you'll be.

    • +1 to this for sure. Applies for gender identity too. Speaking just for myself, the longer it's been since I transitioned the less my actual labeled identity has mattered, to the point that these days I just say "nonbinary" and move on. It's what makes a lot of the "what is a woman" rhetoric baffling, given the label and definition matters so little in day to day life.

      My bf comes off pretty much straight, but he describes himself as pansexual and attracted to feminine people. It's cool to see him engage with the queer community despite being more or less able to "pass" as cishet if he wanted to, and his nebulous labeling was really helpful in settling my nerves as a newly-out trans woman. Less worrying about whether or not I was woman enough, more just hearing him say he likes me and that's that.

      • Yep! I feel similar to your bf myself, actually, but I try not to describe myself that way except to people like my partner. I feel that at this point, itd be closer to stolen Valor in my case. I honestly feel it'd put more queer people at odds with me, so I just call myself straight with caveats.

        Glad to hear things seem to be going well for you!

  • What incredibly enough hasn't been brought up yet, is the distinction between gender preference and genital preference. In heteronormativity they're assumed to be the same, but in reality they're not. This way of thinking also lends itself to the flexibility you're describing; note the word "preference".

  • I understand your position. I feel the exact same way. I identify much like you, I am attracted to the feminine features not whatever label you have or what have been biologically created between your legs.

    When I was younger I just told myself "nah I'm straight", and somewhere realized that i might be what people called "bi-curious". But after a while I realized I had no interest in masculinity or "regular" males.

    Being able to detach social gender labels from biological genitalia and therefore further deepen my understanding and acceptance of trans and LGBTQ people helped me a lot with accepting myself and my preferences.

    As for your question, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that you know what you like. Who you decide to spend time with or engage in sexual relations with is up to the people involved and no one else. I ultimately decided to still just call myself straight. Is it entirely correct? Maybe not, but it sure is the easiest.

    Enjoy life, hook up with a femboy, get pegged or have a one night stand with a 6,8 mega masculine dude. It's up to you, the thing that matters is that you know what you enjoy.

    Life is to short to put labels on dicks and vaginas. Just fuck it instead.

  • Sounds like you are very similar to me and a billion or so other people. I don't see much point in creating a label for yourself in order to restrict yourself to that label. You are what you are and don't worry about it. I had a thing with a trans woman for a while and now I'm happily married with kids. Whatever I am has never had a negative affect on my life because I don't worry about what I am.

  • That's called bisexual, it's not all black and white, it's more of a rainbow gradient of sexuality.

  • I've heard the term heteroflexible. Maybe that suits you. But in the end I think labels aren't really necessary. You like what you like. And there are so many facettes to that it is probably impossible to invent a label for everything that is possible.

  • If you want to know where I stand, my trans boyfriend came out a long time into our long distance relationship and he wanted surgery. I was a bit torn on the idea, but what really sold me was that he was gonna have a dick if he did surgery. THAT was cool with me, and likewise with the body shape thing. Boobs, ass, vagina, dick is all good with me, balls included.

    And the cool thing is? He's having second thoughts on it now that he's moved in with me and away from their parents. Given the freedom to choose gender identity regardless of their body, they are a lot happier and don't need to pigeonhole themselves into a sexual/gender stereotype. I, for one, don't care. His sexual orientation is demisexual due to need for emotional connection, whilst mine is pansexual(?) because I honestly don't care. He does it for me and that's great.

    It might be comforting to know that pansexual as a label exists and that your preferences are shared with others. You might find quite the assortment of... 2d images online. By the ratios it's 8:5:1 for female bodies:male bodies:female bodies with dicks. Really, it's not that uncommon. You might find even more freedom once you find the people that give you the liberty to truly own my desires. Feel free to interact with femboys, strapon girls, intersex people, whatever and wherever. Your sexual arousal needs no words to justify itself.

  • Its quite common for some straight men to only be attracted to penises. All men generally have an dying love for their own penis so it make sense that it spreads to some other penises. But here is the things about labels you can really pick whatever you want. You can call yourself bi or straight or whatever label you want.

  • You're a straight guy who likes getting fucked. This is way more common than you'd think and shouldn't be a big deal in a healthy society.