Hopping along like a little bouncing ball
Hopping along like a little bouncing ball
Hopping along like a little bouncing ball
ebird.org is everything I wanted from twitter and more!
They do the splits too, not a joke:
Very cool bird. :) https://birdfeederhub.com/facts-about-bearded-reedlings/
Eat your heart out, Van Damme.
"Can I help you?"
They are in their own taxonomic family but that still does not stop people from calling them “bearded tits”.
We Brits like to use the original name:
Big fan of tits.
My favorite r/CasualUK video: Tit in a tight spot + Pussy surprise (NSFW?!)
Please tell me it flies like a balloon.
It flies like a balloon.
Thank you for your service
Would you say it looks.... angry?
I read this in John Oliver's voice
This bird looks like it came straight out of angry birds
One time I was in a bird enclosure at a zoo and there was this Asian pigeon in there which looked like a short, fat peacock (but without the long tail). It was by far my favorite thing in there because of how squat and round it was.
Oh lawd he roun
Me, a physics educator: “Interesting!” takes note
An actual Pokemon
This bird is in a black metal band
Am I the only one thinking it looks like Dr robotnik?
Known as a Bearded Tit round these parts.
What a beautifully rotund creature
Nonsense, these three are clearly more spherical (Eagle owl)