How I learned Haskell in just 15 years - duckrabbit solutions
How I learned Haskell in just 15 years - duckrabbit solutions
How I learned Haskell in just 15 years - duckrabbit solutions
I guess this was a fun article but sort of an ad for the author's consultancy. If you want to get started with Haskell, the gentlest intro is probably the online book .
I also recommend Real World Haskell. It goes into a lot more depth on more advanced topics.
Look dude, you're setting the bar impossibly high here and those of us lower on the grading curve really don't appreciate it.
So, it's not just me... I feel really relieved
If your organization has something scary and weird that you need help understanding, whether it’s an internal app, a legacy database, or a subtle business process, send me an email and tell me about it.
Don't mind if i do, we have a scary, weird thing in our office. No one's ever had the courage to even try to talk to it.
The PM?