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  • I was going to say I haven't had any issues, but then remembered I only sort by New and Top...

  • To me, it seems like hot is stuff that's being clicked on by people in your instance.

    And then top day seems to pull data for all instances for posts on the All feed

    I made an alt account and followed communities that no-one had been to on that instance, spend like 5 minutes longer on one community than the others, and my WHOLE hot page was almost every post from that community. I went to top day and the posts were in the same order they were on another instance for top day.

  • This post is a day old and I see it in my hot & subscribed feed! And I don't even subscribe to this community. I've had it blocked actually. lol

  • Mastodon had some weird technical issues back in November 2022 when its user base grew exponentially. The same will happen here too, most likely. They'll get sorted out in time, just stick with it.