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Metal Gear Solid 3 voice actor teases Snake Eater remake


After last fall's grand Silent Hill revival reveal event, something similar happening with MGS wouldn't be a surprise, as MGS remake rumours have been going aroud for about as long the Silent Hill 2 remake ones have, and those turned out to be exactly on the money ::: spoiler spoiler

Kinda sad the Metal Gear Solid voice actor in question wasn't David Hayter :kitty-cri: :::

10 留言
  • Let mgs die. It should have the first time 3 came out.

    • No, keep remaking it forever giving communists opportunities to dissect it politically for new people and post commie pictures of Kojima.

      • If the Disco Elysium people can get the rights then I'd be dowwwwn. Thst or Brace Belden. Hideo is lib af and understands history worse than I did in the 10th grade. He is a uniquely insane guy and I love his work but aside from mgs2 which I still.maintain is absolutely fucking brilliant, he's not that bright.

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