Lazerpig and SuperEyePatchWolf..
Lazerpig and SuperEyePatchWolf..
Lazerpig and SuperEyePatchWolf..
I forgot he blew up in the last couple years. Been watching his channel since it wasn't very well known.
Dude made a 2 hours video on the "OOF" sound. (And it was glorious)
The meme is just as good without the word niche. You don't need to enforce meme accuracy on the internet. Everyone will survive if we talk about YouTubers who aren't niche
you: HBomberguy is niche
people who would not know he existed were it not for his plagiarism video: lmao no he's not
so niche (I say as I only discovered him with the latest vid)
He deserves it though, they're long and very well done videos
So long. I still haven't gotten around to watching his most recent vid.
have you been getting the cancer vids too?
i was worried the algorythm had caught something i hadnt.
and it's youtubers i had never previously watched
Ahoy is like this. His videos are awesome though.
Just put out a sweet video about the G36
I had an airsoft one of that!
Its been years!
Support them on Patreon, they're doing it in their own free time :)
Certified LEMMiNO moment
Whenever LEMMiNO does post though, the quality is so high that I'm astounded he finished it as quickly as he did.
NileRed: Six months is long?
(And they are always quality)
Nile blue just put out a video.
quality >>> quantity
I honestly prefer this tbh. Shows that the passion comes from making the videos they want rather than grinding to survive
Yeah, a channel I follow has grown and pivoted from "making a video when they have a topic they care about", which was still quite frequent, to "scheduled biweekly videos on a topic interesting to the widest audience" and it's really killed the magic.
Like, their choice and I wish them well, but it's not for me anymore.
YouTube was so much better when this was the norm.
A new Ahoy video dropped recently!
!RemindMe 6 months
Sam O'Nella Academy four years ago but instead of six months it was three years.
MFW creators take the time to make better content instead of dumping out weekly garbage
Worthikids. Bigtop Burger is great.
I have so many questions about the Bigtopverse after watching the finale. Most of all being are the Demon Lords Frasier and Niles canon to that universe.
Ahoy :(
Just made a new vid
At least yours posts. I've gotten into the bad habit of subscribing to dudes weeks or months before they fuck off into the nether never to be seen again.
Summoning Salt.
I'm sad every time I find a well-made video, want to subscribe, then discover the video is two years old and the channel never uploaded anything else.
Captain Disillusion
So long waiting, but the content is absolutely top tier.
This was Mitten Squad. RIP you magnificent bastard
Came here to see if anyone mentioned this. That one hurt. Only knew him via his videos, but I miss him. RIP you magnificent bastard indeed.
Engineer Guy went years between books uploads. I had to do a double take when he came up in my feed a few months ago.
This is why you should follow hundreds to thousands of niche, mostly-inactive YouTubers. Every day you'll get a couple new videos that only you and 17 other people will ever see, with content unlike anything anyone else is making, and if you're lucky the video might even be good too.
I'm a fan of the video game historian. I wish it was only 6 months between videos
History Oversimplified fans be like:
6 months would be an improvement
Bobby Fingers
Vsauce, the YT shorts he puts out aren't enough
hbomberguy - releases a 6hr epic every 6 months.
Settled went to weekly and I'm so hyped.
Is Michael Reeves still niche?
Melodysheep moment. Their content is simply amazing.
Melodysheep x LEMMiNO was a fever dream come true.
I can see why Melodysheep videos take so long though. I'm surprised they don't take longer.
His amazing "The man who tried to fake an element" video is what really got me interested in chemistry
She even paused her Patreon 🤔
Not a "niche" youtuber, but that's how I feel about CoryxKenshin. Dude posts a video and then bounces for a year.
Peach cobbler just used up his yearly upload token on a fellow history YouTubers scandal 🥲
DIY perks
Me waiting for Vhyrro to put up another Neovim video. It doesn't take too long but I hate waiting ugh
Luke Smith moment
But he used make way more videos. Then he suddenly vanished. Still wondering what he's doing.
Here I am waiting for nigahiga to ever post again.
Project Binky, albeit they work 50x faster than I have ever worked on a project
Armature, I've been waiting 3 years for Mythic Legion to make another video.
The rest of the Dumbshits Guide to Dark Souls is coming!
Right guys?
Say Goodnight Kevin, we miss you 😭
What happened to you "By Default"? You can't just drop 3 absolutely amazing videos in the span of a month, then enter complete radio silence for 4(+???) Months! My heart can't take it...
Photonicinduction :(
The guy I want to hear from, this dude:
posted every 3 months or less and he hasn't uploaded for a 6 years.
I hope he's alive and well tbh.
It's better than your fav YouTuber just stopping making videos. Zuthar13...
That reminds me: TheEpicNate315 released another video yesterday. Gonna have to find some time here.
These kind of creators may post on curiosity stream/Nebula (I forgot the exact platform) as well, where I think they might be more consistent
probably the closest to this from someone I follow is Ian Hubert, maybe also 3Dprintedlife
The legend, pinguefy. Posts absolute gold every half a year or so
Shammy fans: cry in 1 video every 2 years
In six months you could have made your own fucking content...
Let content makers work at their own pace instead of at the mercy of the algorithm for fucks sake, please.
If you love the content, please give a shit about their work-to-life-balance.
Chasing the algorithm and "staying relevant" is literally why most of youtube has become so boring and anodyne.
And yet we can be sad that there is no vid as long as we don't demand.
Youre not wrong.
Why are you down voted, you are 100% correct.
Because nobody said anything like the comment suggest