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  • I'd prefer to watch "Gardener". Seeing him in his prime lurking in Romulan flower beds sowing the seeds of chaos would be perfection.

    • If you haven’t you should totally read A Stitch in Time

  • So what would happen if a show with this promotional image was actually produced right now is that it would be a buddy cop style romantic dramedy / spythriller starring Garak and Bashir.

    Garak would be quixotic and aloof, Bashir studious and empathetic.

    Garak would usually end up getting most of the girls, but to counter this Bashir would eventuslly find his true love.

    And all of this would basically be set as the two of them randomly encountering each other, somehow in some kind of utterly contrived scenario that enables them both to basically need to sleep around partly for survival and partly to stop some new kind of dystopian society genocide plans.

    Obviously there are lots of spy thriller style fight scenes and love betrayals and what not.

    Garak is of course still a tailor as a front, and when he dispatches enemies he delivers one liners like 'well that puts a pin in that'' after he just /literally/ murdered some one with like knitting needles, the bad guy lying dead on the ground with a knitting needle sticking out of his ear canal, blood pooling.

    There ya go, thats what this image made me think of.

    The tone woukd be all over the place to the point it gives the audience whiplash and makes the main characters come of as somewhere between absurd caricatures of actual people, and maniac psychopaths.

    Youd cut from funny sex scene joke to other storyline with like brutal fight scene, and then theyd both like meet up at a space bar and just yuk yuk as if these were equivalent and normal parts of roughly comparable and standard lives.

    Sorry, you were expecting a contemplative character study?

    Those are /hard/ to write.

    We dont do that any more.