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  • My girfriend will text me when I am doing something noisy and she doesn't want to get out of bed.

  • I do, but it’s because my wife works from home and spends three quarters of the day with the chick cave door closed doing teams meetings. Generally my msgs will be “want brunch/coffee/pastries?” etc.

  • If they're in the same room, obviously I'll just speak to them. If they're in the next room over and the door is open, I'll still speak, just louder. But if they're two rooms away or upstairs, I'll text.

  • I've never done it in my own home, but I had a coworker I'd text with even though his desk was an arms length away from mine. Mostly because it could be hard to tell when either of us was on or about to make a call.

  • Depends on the size of the home I suppose. Tiny bungalow? Yeah, a little weird. Three-story? Not weird at all IMO.

  • When my brother and I lived together, we definitely texted each other, either via text or Discord. When we only lived in a 2bdr apartment. If we were in each of our rooms, with the doors open, we could easily just talk really loudly if we wanted to. But we typically had headsets on.

    If I'm visiting my family, if there's something I want to show them on the computer, I'll often just drop it into our family Discord. Easier that way.

  • Little pathetic unless you're sick and can't get up or something...get the heck up lazy ass.