Texting in house
Texting in house
Does anyone else text someone else in your own home if they are in another room? Am I just too lazy to go talk to them? Are you like me?
Texting in house
Does anyone else text someone else in your own home if they are in another room? Am I just too lazy to go talk to them? Are you like me?
In the olden days we would just scream at the top of our lungs to talk to people in other rooms. I feel like texting captures the lazy spirit without the chaos.
We continue to yell. Tradition is important in my family.
I’m trying to train the rest of our household to use our voice assistant intercom feature.
One of the kids hates that the intercom interrupts whatever she is doing, as far as she is concerned, she ignores everyone else and uses her noise-cancelling earbuds for a reason.
Before anyone asks, I have already trained them to not say anything personal within earshot of the home assistants.
My wife and I do this, mostly because we're both often doing stuff in the house, but also want to send each other cat pictures, which don't demand an immediate response.
Yeah me and my husbands messages are mostly memes and cat pictures.
Us too. Inappropriate memes that make us laugh. Avoids the "can I see" from the kids.
If we're not in the same room, we use an encrypted messenger. We do DMs and have a group chat.
If we're in the same room but don't want the kids to hear, we'll message too. If you ask out loud if we should get pizza, a no would prompt a mutiny.
We tried to use assistant broadcast, but it fails everytime someone turns the volume down on one. They need to fix the volume for broadcasts.
They need to fix the volume for broadcasts.
They have a lot of long-standing bugs but it seems like Google Assistant isn't really being prioritised by Google at the moment. They're actually removing a bunch of features: https://www.zdnet.com/home-and-office/work-life/google-assistant-will-lose-these-17-features-in-the-next-few-weeks/
Broadcasts via Google's API also fail if the network has IPv6 enabled. That's been broken for years and I doubt it'll ever be fixed.
Yeah my experience was with Amazon products and unless You've got the biggest speaker models you can't even hear them over the TV.
So, it’s EOL but they’re still collecting as much data as possible, basically?
Bring TP to guest bathroom please!
My girfriend will text me when I am doing something noisy and she doesn't want to get out of bed.
I'm pretty sure everyone is like someone out there. Except maybe that guy from that other post today who like, decapitated his father and put it on YouTube. I don't know if there's anybody like that guy.
Only when there's a cat sleeping on someone's lap
This is the correct answer.
if you've got stairs and some shitty acoustics, yeah definitely
Technically not texting, but we have a Home Discord group chat.
We do this, too. Really convenient.
That's awesome! So much more flexible than group text or whatever.
We have a Signal group chat, works really well for all kinds of things. Like "Dinner is ready" or "is anybody home?"
Yes. Yes. And yes.
I do, but it’s because my wife works from home and spends three quarters of the day with the chick cave door closed doing teams meetings. Generally my msgs will be “want brunch/coffee/pastries?” etc.
I use Google Home Assistant to broadcast messages, e.g. "dinner's ready"
I yell.
I do, and he reads them days later and apologises.
Now that he is overseas on a business trip he reads them all immediately, but apparently in-house is not an option.
That’s actually kinda adorable.
If they're in the same room, obviously I'll just speak to them. If they're in the next room over and the door is open, I'll still speak, just louder. But if they're two rooms away or upstairs, I'll text.
I've never done it in my own home, but I had a coworker I'd text with even though his desk was an arms length away from mine. Mostly because it could be hard to tell when either of us was on or about to make a call.
All the time. Usually because I am working from home and my husband has the dog snoring in his lap and doesn't want to disturb him. Or I'm piled into bed with the dogs and don't want to create a stir by getting up. Dogs govern a lot of my time lol.
All the damn time. If I’m I. The same room and we’re both awake, I speak, but if she’s asleep or I’m working and can’t escape from a vid meeting…. Signal it is.
For various reasons, my memory isn’t worth a damn, so there’s an added benefit of “yes, I told my wife that important thing” in the history
We live on one floor, with a bedroom, an office, a living room, and a kitchen. It’s definitely not that I’m too lazy to take the ten or twelve steps across the house lol
I've been in large groups and texted with the person I was sitting next to.
Depends on the size of the home I suppose. Tiny bungalow? Yeah, a little weird. Three-story? Not weird at all IMO.
Generally announcing on the Alexa’s.
All the time
What’s it like living in a giant mansion where you can’t hear each other everywhere?
Nah I do this in my tiny ass railroad style apartment because sound can't carry past one room
I have Philips hue lights throughout the house. My son is green, my daughter is purple and red is both. Sometimes I'm lazy and just turn the lights on and off instead of changing the color.
Colors for what?
When my brother and I lived together, we definitely texted each other, either via text or Discord. When we only lived in a 2bdr apartment. If we were in each of our rooms, with the doors open, we could easily just talk really loudly if we wanted to. But we typically had headsets on.
If I'm visiting my family, if there's something I want to show them on the computer, I'll often just drop it into our family Discord. Easier that way.
Yep but I just call them
When you could express the same sentiment in a few keystrokes? Nah, I’ll text lol
They don't view texts because they have like 100 notification and just Ignore it.
I sometimes do it with people in the same room the lolz 👌
This kinda behavior irritates the hell outta me, but I've been told that's unreasonable for larger homes, more sensible for smaller homes.
I think if it would take you less than sixty seconds to walk to me and talk to me, you should just do it.
takes me less then 20 sec to write to you
My partner works from home sometimes so I'll text him if I think he might be in a meeting.
I often send people pictures or articles on whatsapp while I'm talking to them, it's just easier than going over to show them my phone. I definitely text if someone is out of speaking distance if it's not urgent, stuff like "do you want X for dinner?", that way they can get to it when it's convenient.
Little pathetic unless you're sick and can't get up or something...get the heck up lazy ass.