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You Don't Need to Keep Every Electronic Box!

Just cleaned out mt garage, closet, and attic. No clue why I kept every single box of anything electronic/tech based in the last ten years. I just tossed boxes for phones I haven't had in years, old CPU and heat sync boxes, boxes for 100mbps nics, old modems I don't have anymore. I've never needed any of these and have brought them with me through too many house moves.

  • I sell most of my old/used but still functional tech on ebay/craigslist. For very low resale value items (under $40) it makes no difference; but for more expensive resale value items, having the original box/packaging/manuals/accessories increases the resale value significantly. My auctions routinely sell for $30 more than comparable items.

    It pays (literally) to keep the original box.

  • Lol - I had the same problem for many years, until I finally decided to clean them out like you did.

    My policy now is to keep them for a month or so before tossing them. That's arguably when they're most likely to break down and I'd still need to ship/take them somewhere in their original packaging.

  • Thank you for reminding me to purge boxes again; It's probably time._ I will admit I do like to keep the ones with fancy artwork_.

    The little plastic trays things come in (fans especially) though, those are worth their weight in gold. I always keep them for sorting things like twist ties, small wires, and tiny extra screws, etc in drawers.

  • I cut the information off the box and throw the rest of the box away

    Now I have a thick ass file folder full of cardboard bits