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iPhone 14 Pro users complain of major drops in battery health and capacity after less than a year

  • I remember back when I had a iPhone 6 I managed to wreck the battery in 1.5-2 years.

    I used to play way to much world to tanks and ended up charging my phone twice a day 😂.

    As this was before apple had battery health my phone would spontaneously shut down at the time.

    Although to apples credit this was far from normal use

  • 94% for me for the 14 pro. Not great. That’s heavy use though. It gets gps usage 5 to 7hrs a day pretty much every day because of my job.

    Had it since day 1.

  • Launch day device at 98%. I don’t baby this thing’s battery, but I am more careful than most.

  • My release day 13 Pro is somehow still at 100%.

  • 98% here. Very heavy usage

    • Does Apple show your usage? I find that most people's definition of "heavy" is not as heavy as they think.

      Also, it's a logical fallacy for one person to make up for others. It also may have nothing to do with usage. Using a battery is one thing but battery life is dependent on charge, the speed of charge, and how hot the battery cells get as well as hell well they handle that heat during expansion.