Here in South Korea - Both the liberal and conservative party are very conservative. It wasn't until 10-15 years ago that women could even be the "leader" of the house. So the delta in conservative/liberal is more likely to do with economic/war policies with the North than much else (since men get conscripted, and North policies is one of the key differentiators between the 2 parties)
This is an opinion piece they are really really reaching with.
Conservatives have been running this for a few days now but it just doesn't add up. At least for the US it flies in the face of all published polling, including what they claim as sources. Unless you look at Gen Z men skewing independent and take that as them becoming more conservative because you only see the political spectrum as D/I/M.
But that's not what being an independent means. It isn't a party. It's literally not having a party.
I forgot to add, there's also the Roe effect. The overturning of Roe has pushed women left in the US.
Until there's a liberal space for men, it's going to cause them to flock to lying conservatives. There, they will be indoctrinated by weird, stupid conservative bullshit that has nothing to do with any of this.
I personally don't like how the top left one starts at 2005, unlike every other graph, but they all have the same x scale. (I nitpick things sometimes)
Is it just me or are those the typical US-centric terms! If so, I'd trust those numbers even less than I already do because they moved the timespans between the graphs.
For those who are actually using this data to make commentary on anything—I feel like it’s poorly represented and not at all adequately powered. I would take this with a grain of salt
I don’t know how true this is. In my own experience most men I’ve interacted with in the past 10 years are more and more central and less solidly conservative over time. The trend seems to be moving towards liberal. Of course that could be where I live (suburbs in a 800K+ US city).
If I am reading this correctly, men drifting towards conservative and women drifting towards liberal?
That would reflect the culture found in apps - I feel like men with andrew tate and things like truth social/rumble/kick and women drift more towards stuff like reddit/tiktok/instagram where you can usually see a lot more liberal idealogy.
Perpetuates the false dichotomy of a linear political spectrum of either liberal or conservative and that in and of itself is one of the reasons for these trends. Liberalism has nothing to offer men. Leftism does.
You might as well be asking men how much they are willing to sacrifice for others vs. look after their own interests. When the inequality gap widens and the majority live below average economically, don't you think people will tend to become more selfish? That's all these charts show.
Conservatism is essentially synonymous with patriarchy and on a very shallow level, it's easy to see how men would choose that over the status quo. That will surely be better for men than this slow attrition of status that comes with ever increasing wealth concentration. This isn't true but it is an obvious conclusion.
The real question, which this survey completely ignores, conveniently, is what we should all be doing together to better the status quo for all. Because I believe almost everyone except a small and shrinking fraction agrees that current trends are not working for anyone.
I think what’s more interesting from those charts isn’t just the divergence between genders - it’s that (with the obvious exception of S Korea - what on earth is going on in that country??) men’s attitudes have slightly trended more conservative whereas women’s attitudes have radically changed to more liberal.
Damn. The ruling class sure was successful in creating new wedges to divide their work slaves. It is not even only con and lib, there are so many more ingroups nobody needs and "sOcIaL mEdIa" is the tool to brainwash us into hating each others guts.
Fuck them for calling the left liberal. Liberals are the people who sell schools, hospitals, and social services to the lowest bidding private enterprise. A solidly right wing ideology that puts profit over people.
This is only going to increase as men watch their quality of life continue to degrade, while they get ignored at best and blamed for everything at worse. Many men can barely afford to live, let alone even think of the joys of previous generations such as home ownership, having a family, or travelling.
Meanwhile the news is full of victory after victory for women, so of course they’re going to support the status quo more.