Person with "free Tibet" in their bio doing apologia for Nazis
Person with "free Tibet" in their bio doing apologia for Nazis
Person with "free Tibet" in their bio doing apologia for Nazis
Polish Fascists when you kill 40k random assholes -
Polish Fascists when you kill 3 million ethnic Poles, 3 million Polish Jews, and god knows who else as part of your plan to enslave and then exterminate everyone east of Berlin -
Polish Fascists when someone stops those guys from wiping out the entire Polish language and Polish ethnicity -
If I ever do a purge I'm giving every guy I purge a sword and throwing him in a bear pit (You fight one guy after another until you lose, not a pit full of bears that would be inhumane) so they all died in honorable combat and no one can whinge at me later.
Free Tibet? How has this guy not heard the news yet?! Tibet was freed by the People's Liberation Army half a century ago! Slavery and mutilation has been ended!
Its honestly really funny seeing free tibet in someone's bio in 2024 lol. That shit was cringe like 30 years ago (it was always cringe but you know what I mean)
I don't see at what point exactly that person is doing "apologia" for the nazis. I am also not aware of any evidence suggesting that the polish people killed in Katyn were "nazi collaborators" as you are trying to claim and it seems like what you're trying to do is thoughtless apologia for a real atrocity commited by the USSR on polish people. Yes, killing 20k people is nowhere near as bad as the nazi atrocities - that doesn't suddenly make it justifiable.
Up until the cold war era, it was accepted that it was the Nazis who did it. You can even find old articles online from the NYT of all places claiming that the whole thing was a lie perpetrated by Goebbels:
During the cold war, they did a 180° and the Nazi narrative was then accepted without question. In the 90s, Gorbachev "admitted" to it, but couldnt produce any proof or point to any perpetrators, plus he's Gorbachev. The people repeating this version of the story now are all the usual suspects: NATO, bourgeois journalists and Polish nationalists. It's definitely part of anti-communist and Polish nationalist mythology now.
Goebbels himself didnt actually know who did it when the mass graves were found in 1943, but a supposed entry on his diary reveals that he was worried about the fact that the ammo casings found on the location were all German-made. Nevertheless, he blamed the soviets for propaganda purposes.
Were the soviets using german ammunition, for whatever reason? Is the diary a forgery? The liberals will usually claim one of those options. The 2010s investigations done by russia were not well received, and they were also inconclusive.
I do think a lot of people here are too quick to scream "they were nazi collaborators!" when the soviets themselves claimed they didnt do it, and when the evidence is sparse and almost always politically charged. I also think this is caused by counterjerking too hard without looking at the facts.
I also think this is caused by counterjerking too hard without looking at the facts.
Not on my Hexbear!
I can't really respond to the NYT article you posted, it requires a subscription to view
When it comes to the Goebbels diaries, it appears that Goebbels himself knew (or at the very least believed) that Katyn was done by the Bolsheviks. Although the massacre was very useful to him for propaganda purposes. At least that is the impression I get by skimming through his 1943 diary (published sometime in the 90s)
On April 14, 1943 he wrote
We are now using the discovery of 12,000 Polish officers, murdered by the GPU, for anti-Bolshevik propaganda on a grand scale.
Evidence of Soviet guilt was provided in the 90s - Beria's letter to Stalin comes to mind. Recent investigations into the mass graves done by polish archeologists showed that the victims didn't have anything made after 1940 on them.
The people repeating this version of the story now are all the usual suspects: NATO, bourgeois journalists and Polish nationalists.
No, the "people repeating this version of the story" are not just a handful of western propagandists and nationalists. This story is accepted by everyone except for a few MLs.
I am not actually familiar with the history but for me (and I assume many others in this context) when I see "inteligentsia" I read "SS"
Edit: so that could be where this is coming from
I am not aware of the actual identities of each individual victim at Katyn. But if the 200 doctors had all been SS officers, the soviets would have fucking said so.
Smdh these are my days these days.
lmao it's happening in this thread
Name a better duo