Least reactionary aussie
Least reactionary aussie
Least reactionary aussie
Wild as fuck mask off chauvinism. This is why I am advocating defederation from that whole instance because that mfer is one of the admins.
they were able to conceive of it when the land belonged to australian natives...
how curious
"If I don't steal it, someone else will steal it."
this guy is so ignorant and "all look same" racist that he has Mao confused with Pol Pot
China didn't start developing until years after Mao left office
during Mao's tenure China's life expectancy DOUBLED and from 1952-1978 there was 6.2% annnual growth. just chauvinist fantasies from this asshole
Oh hey it's the dude who said he wouldn't want to live in China because he'd be killed for being an intellectual.
Wait, no!
Reddit brain is tough, man.
No, to put it mildly
Being so cocksure about something so obviously factually incorrect while also inflating your own ego
Truly the
of allThis whole thread was a fucking trip. OP was a landlord complaining about real estate agents calling him to value a rental property.
@Nath@aussie.zone come on over I just wanna talk.
It's always funny to me when Westerners can't even conceive of why anyone would support the Chinese government. Imagine being a middle-aged Chinese person who watched all this happen. Within living memory, you went from the tail end of the century of humiliation, emerging from under the heel of Western hegemony, and now you're a world superpower of unprecedented independence from that hegemony. For the first time in the history of the colonial world, a country of the oppressed has risen up by its own power to challenge the oppressors that have spent the past 400 years immiserating every non-white country on earth. They went from ox carts to high speed rail in one lifetime. From colonial humiliation, to unprecedented pride and dignity for the first counterhegemonic force outside the West in the history of capitalism. They can look around themselves and see several examples of countries like India and Myanmar that didn't choose communism, couldn't challenge the West, didn't have a cultural revolution (it was a mixed bag of very good and very bad) and they can see, clear as day, where their path led them vs the path the West would have preferred for them. Vassalage. Poverty. Exploitation. Rural idiocy, as Lenin put it. The path the West still wants to put them back on.
All you have to do is look at a graph of any quality of life indicator in China to disprove this. Like every single one is just
after 1949a lotta youtube i figure
For a second I was expecting an Aussiemandeus post lmfao
Anyway, White Australia and all of its crackers who parasitize the landmass and ostracize the land's indigenous deserve to be torn down and made permanent second-class citizens until they regrow a sense of humanity and cast aside their arrogantly nigh-deific entitlements. You do not own that land, you committed a genocide and occupied it. You are SETTLER SCUM, and do not deserve to have your humanity acknowledged after that fact.
so you're saying your anglo granpappy that got a shallow grave in korea was put there by a starving, uneducated, undeveloped China? sounds like a skill issue
"Criticism without investigation is my favorite thing to do actually" -Mao "Crazylegs" Zedong
"Agriculture is bad, and starvation is good" -Mao "The Body" Zedong
80 morbillion