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  • "online leftists made me a right winger"

    ok, so you never had any concrete values or morals to begin with.

    I spent quite a while supporting Palestinians, trying to help, and challenging others to engage as well. Not solely these last several months, but since 2021 when I first learned of this topic.

    2021? this would only be acceptable if this moron is in high school.

    Edit: ok actually they made a post to Stanfords reddit about being a freshman, so i guess that is accurate. But they're going to Stanford so that will just make him into a


  • "I used to support the resistance until I found out the resistance wasn't non-violent and didn't support the crackerverse" that mf ain't iranian. bet my left eye on it.

    • All the stuff I learned about Iran I got from my

      parents. Which is why they had to escape. No I didn't hear about this so called coup started by the US in the 1953.

      They never talked about that so it's a big lie! Maybe (/s)

      Serious - I married an Indonesian who was raised to love America. His father was definitely around during the 1965 genocide. His father was also a school principal. They never said a word to their children about it. I had to teach him, and it's a subject so gruesome he doesn't want to think of the implications.

    • i'd like to support oppressed peoples, but they don't support my country, which is doing the oppressing, so honestly why should i have to be the bigger person?

  • since 2021 when I first learned of this topic.


    Yeah, they'll maybe make 1-2 tweets saying forced hijab is bad, but then they'll make 15 whataboutist posts comparing Iran to France and promoting key pro-regime policies.

    Because what has this got to do with the war? Fucking priorities.

    I feel so stuck because I obviously know what Israel is doing in Gaza right now is not ok.

    That's a very mild way of framing 70+ years of genocide against Palestinians by the Israeli ethnostate

    But I cannot continue to associate myself with spaces that support my people's oppression whilst claiming to stand "on the right side of history."

    This smells of fed. "You're too extreme and its scaring people away from the left." is straight up Obama double-speak.

    The hyper fixation on Israel/Palestine is bizarre. And the reaction to groups such as the Houthis and complete lack of reaction to anything going on in places like Myanmar shows that a lot of the support for Palestine isn’t because they care about civilian deaths, or Muslims facing persecution. It more about “West bad” and antisemitism than actually caring about the Palestinian people.

    What 0 understanding of global politics and history does to a motherfucker.

    Yes, the West is bad, very bad, one might even say the future of humanity depends on the West losing its grip on the globe so that leftist groups are no longer suppressed with constant coups and color revolutions funded by the west. Those theocrats forcing women in hajib? Those were originally far-right mujahideen funded by the CIA. The biggest hurdle to freedom in the Middle East is Western meddling, which was the entire purpose of the West stealing Palestinian land and founding Israel.

    Lmao they use "CIA agent" as a flair. Really cool to downplay all the horrors committed by the CIA with your "jokey" flair guys.

  • /r/tankiejerk, where state department tankies go to jerk off about sending their tanks to Gaza (they will be blown up by a guerilla fighter five meters away, and cost fifty quintillion to replace)

  • We almost got rid of this sub like three fucking times just because of inter-subreddit drama it was causing. They have been warned a number of times by admins.

    I don't think it would take much for a dedicated group to actively work to get it banned. You'd just have to cause enormous struggle sessions, conflicts with modteam, and conflicts with other subreddits. The kind of shit that would drag admins into being involved. The basic way the reddit admins operate is that they ban anything if it takes up too much of their time.

    I want it gone so fucking badly.

    • how would one start such a conflict without mods nuking the post?

      • You'd have to find the stuff that they're doing grey-area on, or that they've gotten lazy about, or that their mods actively don't want to remove so they let them sit for hours and hours before acting (mods pretend not to have seen stuff all the time when they actually have). A lot of modteams don't actually wanna moderate the stuff they're being forced to moderate due to admins.

        After that it's figuring out how to pick a fight with elsewhere and convince their modteams to write complaints. It has the inherent risk of causing trouble with another socialist sub but honestly if one sub dies to take that shit hole with it then it'd be worth it because they'd never let a copy be made whereas socialist subs will always reappear. "jerk" would be burned for them and anti-tankie spaces too probably.

        In the wake of it being destroyed you'd ideally make a bunch of "copy" subs like "anti-tankie-aktion" and shit. Then report these copy subs so they're banned as attempts to remake it. This would poison all future attempts at such a space because admins would then regard all antitankie spaces as attempts to resurrect the original.

  • Literally so cowardly you can't even support someone after u find out they're resilient

    • This libness could probably be diffused with better education on the Vietnam war. As a kid I was indoctrinated into loving the army and such as many Americans are, but I learned on my own how the US lied to get into Vietnam, and about all the regime changes and massacres etc, and from that age around 7 or 8 I viewed everything from that lens, that the US military was actually just a greedy monster.

      I think it's hard for people to accept that there really are people within the US' power structure so blood-thirsty that they will gladly allow thousands of Palestinians or whoever to be killed for profit or whatever delusion they have. It's so far from a normal rational way of behaving.