I already don't eat breakfast and I'm still poor, what now WSJ???
Economists hate this one SECRET HACK you can do to avoid poordom. Among investmentology specialists it is a well guarded secret that switching to a making money framework instead of the popular losing money framework has a long term net positive effect on your private economy.
Just eat once a week. Yuge savings
Skip lunch lol
Fasting π€
Spare lunch?
Have you tried photosynthesis?
Find a way to eat negative avocado toast in the morning
I think to save money you should skip dinner. Breakfast food is generally cheaper. Big breakfast at 10-11am. Late lunch at 4-5pm and a light dinner if hungry at night is more economical
Time to go one meal a day
Sleep for dinner
Of course this comes from the wall street journal lmao straight propaganda
I'm not religious, but I do feel like writing something like this is comparable to selling your soul to the devil. The person who wrote this abandoned their humanity for capitalists and they should be ashamed.
If they had the capacity to feel shame, I don't think they would have penned that article. Disgusts me how quickly people abandon humanity for a few schillings
Not religious, but I do believe the author is pegged by the Mammon for lolz and profit
that's the one Bezos bought?
I really thought this was satire until your comment.
Who thought this was a good idea to publish...
My prescriptions cost so much too. Maybe I should just stop taking my antidepressants and see how it rides out. .
"If you spiral into the grave, your cost of living goes down by 100%!" - some jackass at the wsj soon, probably
Just take 'em every other day, as a treat!
what would actually happen if you did do this... say for money reasons
Tomorrow's headline, "Millenials are single handedly killing the breakfast industry".
Pro-tip: You can save money on living expenses if you just live in a cardboard box by the roadside and die.
Please not by the roadside, noone wants to see your progress to absolute freedom.
Thatβs illegal in many places. Illegal to be on a roadside, illegal to kill yourself.
βInstead of seeking happiness, save money with miseryβ
Thank you, Iβve finally achieved Capitalist enlightenment! The secrets of capitalism are mine!
Iβm not ready for esoteric capitalism
Struggling to get by? Have you tried forgoing basic needs of survival like food?
" Instead of seeking happiness, save money on pussy" <-- what my GF read
The Wall Street Journal is just shitposting for rich people.
Aside from being tone deaf, I think this is bad advice. Common breakfast foods are fairly cheap comparatively and I'm pretty sure most nutritionists recommend eating something for breakfast to kickstart your metabolism. If I were skipping/reducing a meal, it would be lunch.
Gluconeogenesis does that well enough.
Plenty of people don't eat breakfast. I'll be nauseous for the rest of the day if I have anything before noon.
I only eat one real meal a day and supplement with light snacks and plenty of fluids. As long as that one meal is something of substance and not say, a ramen packet or something like that, I feel pretty good. There are people that do one meal a day with no other food intake at all, too, but that's a bit low for me.
Wait, my condition has a name?
Best I can do is add some more milk to my coffee.
Hmm, lunch sandwiches are also pretty cheap compared to supper, maybe have lunch for supper then instead?
Have you seen the cost of deli meat lately?
Maybe we should eat billionaires instead
That can't be sanitary. I mean, who knows what kind of drugs these people take, what kinds of places they have been. People get worried about eating animals that have been given antibiotics, so I can't imagine that billionaire-meat will get approved for human consumption any time soon. We should probably just euthanize the poor souls and recycle the remains... s
Turn them into soil. Put them in the ground.
We'll get sick either way, so better to just take the short pain.
I feel quite hungry lately
I could never eat human meat π
True, Elon probably tastes like meth
To not get murdered, die right now...
Maybe the WSJ has a point; we could save a lot of money if we stopped buying breakfast and just ate the WSJ staff instead
Foodborne illness π€’
They act like most of us even have time to make breakfast like we're living in some 90's sitcom
It's people like you that make me look like an asshole. Every morning I wake up at 3am to squeeze orange juice, make sausage gravy, biscuits, waffles, 5 omelettes, 40 pancakes, 6lbs of bacon, hash browns, buttered toast, and right after my son comes down the stairs, puts his ball cap on, grabs a single piece of bacon, heads out the door in a rush, I chase him down with a PB&J he inevitably always forgets. But it's not like I want to waste 40lbe of food per day. Some days I just want my son to sit down and eat the 40lbs of food I prepared. He may think I'm overbearing but I'm really overcaring.
"We know life is Hard, but have you tried Ultra Hard by skipping the most important meal of the day and starting out famished?"
Off topic but I don't think breakfast is any more or less important than a meal any other time of the day. Most days I only eat one big meal around dinnertime and maybe have a few bites of some snack throughout the day. I've been like that for years now it started from doing 12 hour construction shifts where I'd just work all day with a coffee and maybe an apple or something then eat a big meal once I was home. I don't do construction anymore but the way I eat stuck with me. It's probably worth pointing out that I'm very fit and a healthy bodyweight (5'10 152lbs) and I don't suffer any negative effects from living like this. I'd say I'm healthier than 90% of the people I know.
the most important meal of the day bullshit was invented by america, fuckin milk lobby and shit somene else explain it I don't care enough to
If you don't have enough money for bread, buy cake instead!
Great advice with almost no historical downsides, probably!
"And while you're at it, do you really NEED to sleep?"
"In fact, do you even NEED a home? You can just sleep at work like a good little corporate slave! "
might be funny until you know there are actually some people who do this.
There's a webcomic about a world where almost no one sleeps anymore thanks to a new drug. And they work 16 hours a day.
16 hours a day in a world where no one has to sleep seems wildly optimistic
I hope whoever wrote this trips in their bathroom and gets a severe brain injury.
Man that's kinda fucked up, who knows if they'd survive getting another brain injury
Can't get a brain injury if I have no brain...
taps head
I think something like "taps elbow" would be funnier.
Same but for the editor who chose that headline
News sites will do anything to get engagement and attention. ANYTHING.
AIs don't have a bathroom, or even a brain.
I see they moved on from telling us not to have avocado to toast to just not have any toast.
One more step and they'll move onto what they actually want us to do.
No need to skip meals, there's plenty of rich to eat
Your life is hard? Add malnourishment and see if that helps.
Maybe I should get more money and live a normal life yea?
Have you tried not being poor?
I try one day then Iβm poor again.
nO bOdY iS bUyInG aNytHinG!!!!
17 industries that millennials are killing; #11 will make you shit in your own mouth in anger!
I already skip breakfast, gonna need additional money saving tips...
No worries, I've got you. Skip lunch to save additional money.
stick to low GI carbs perhaps, so it takes extra time to digest!
also, drink water right before a meal. turns out brain is pretty shit at distinguishing thirst and hunger... you also get "full" by drinking water so you end up eating a bit less heh.
The headline is as valid as "just stop being poor"
It's fun and games, but lately I've seen 2 colleagues eating from the office kitchen the leftovers of extra bread and cream cheese, instead of ordering. It's actually sad.
Damn, I wish my break room had bread and cream cheese π
Instead of planning for retirement, consider dying instead!
That's my retirement plan! Murica! πΊπΈππ« πΊπΈ
Consider it? I've already accepted it
RIP in peace
Haha the poors should just eat less food! Problem solved!
especially if we ate the rich instead!
Skip 1 meal to save money
Skip 2 meals to lose weight
Skip all 3 meals and end world hunger
It's just that simple.
I think you're suppose to start a revolution after missing three meals. I think the people on wallstreet forgot that.
To save even more money, switch over completely to a diet of things you find on the ground.
To save even more money, stop bathing, showering and brushing your teeth.
To save even more money, stop living in a house and move into the sewers.
To save even more money, stop wearing clothes.
To save even more money, stop communicating with expensive words, settling instead for grunting, growling and maybe barking like a dog. Consider filing your teeth pointy.
To save even more money, stop using tools. Emerge from your sewer hideout only at night to prowl the streets on all fours, feral and bewildered, eyes grown pale and milky from years in the dark sewers darting maniacally back and forth while your filth-encrusted teeth and nails twitch in anticipation of the slightest movement.
This is how I was able to afford a starter house by age 30. This and a $400 000 loan from my father.
Yeahh intermittent fasting bro πͺ /s
This but unironically. Pretty good life choice lol, regardless of what the reason is.
I thought this was a joke, but no, it's real.
Just richest country in human history things
Save money and lose weight with this one easy trick.
No funds? Have you considered refraining from eating as a means of saving money?
Think of all the weight you can lose while saving money!
i wish poverty diet actually made it easier to stay in shape
instead i just have an eating disorder from chronic food insecurity
Humans can live without food for up to 2 months, so to save even more money, just eat food every 1 month and 29 days!
You'll be a billionaire in seconds!
just a reminder that the US just voted no to stating that food is a human right lmao
The only other country to not vote in agreement was Israel.
They abstained from voting.
The US literally is the only country that voted against it.
Sure, because that's exactly how they would respond. Your hatred of the working class is palpable.
I mean, intermittent fasting is legit but not to save money... Ffs...
You skip breakfast for weight management.
I skip breakfast because im too poor to eat.
straightens tie
We are mot the same
This does mot make sense
Iβd expect nothing less from Rupert Murdoch's little periodical.
angry Hobbit noises
It's ok we still have the 2nd, 3rd and 4th breakfast.
If the article matches the clickbait title, fuck anyone involved with it being written and published.
If the article doesn't match the clickbait title, fuck anyone involved with it being written and published for using a clickbait title like that.
If the article is published in the wall street journal, fuck everyone involved with that toilet paper disguised as news organization.
I remember that paper had an article or op-ed on a subject that is close to my heart and my father was a subscriber. When we discussed whatever it said (this was years ago), I was lamenting to him that they had absolutely no idea what they were saying. Completely off base. They're probably accurate about how to increase existing wealth, but likely not much else.
What about second breakfast?
To save more money, stop eating lunch and dinner
Why even bother? Just stop eating
Just ascend into a being of pure energy
Clickbait headline for a boring article πͺ
"Save money by avoiding expensive foods."
I read it as monkey, and it didn't make any sense.
You need less monkey if you skip breakfast. What's not to understand?
"I'm holding your monkey hostage. If you can go one week without eating breakfast, I will return him unharmed."
Jokes on you I technically skip breakfast for several weeks now, if breakfast is only eaten in the morning. Now, I want monkey in my office until lunch, unharmed.
Here's a nice (non-paywalled) breakdown of the original article and reactions to it. I just managed to get the first few sentences of the WSJ thing (despite disabling Javascript), but between the article and the breakdown, it seems the author picked a baity title to an otherwise uncontroversial (if lacking) analysis of food price inflation.
Journalists don't write their own heds. It would have been an editor who wrote it. Your point stands otherwise.
Does Texas not refrigerate their eggs?
Americans refrigerate eggs?
Yes. If I understand correctly, it's because the eggs are washed, which strips them of their natural protective coating and causes them to require refrigeration.
I (UK) also do this. Makes them last longer. Do the same with most fruit and veg.
They're not refrigerated in the supermarket though.
Greatest country in the world
Maybe fuck that, the stores should take a hit so we can eat.
Like, why even have a government, if it canβt feed, clothe, and house the people? Shouldnβt that be priority #1?
"If you want to save money, give up your avocados and lattes. Move into a large beer cooler and make soup out of fallen leaves"-Wall Street Journal's advice next probably.
The masses lack bread? Let them go on a "diet"
Fine. I'll have the Irish Benedict for lunch or dinner.
So fucking dumb.
Skip all meals and save even more!
Seriously though skip breakfast
Yeah, I rarely have it unless I have to travel for a while and won't have a chance to take an early lunch. I don't usually get up til 8:55 though. I have to be at work by 9.
How much are eggs for you all? I just picked up a dozen for 3.75.
Similar in euros in Holland
I haven't eaten breakfast in a decade and feel great with tons of energy. You actually don't need that shit at all.
I can't be sure but I have a feeling that you and I have different bodies because I can't cope without breakfast.
I thought like you at one time... I'd eat a bowl of cereal and be starving by 10:00, but I've been skipping breakfast for almost a year now, and the weird thing is I'm no more hungry at 10 than I was with breakfast - so if it's not staving off the hunger, what's the point? And I've lost a little weight too.