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  • Mine is really weird and hard to describe. I'll try to be concise. I close my eyes (no shit Sherlock) and I imagine faces of people. It can be someone close, a star of a TV show, anything. Then I change element of their face one by one (e.g. their eyes). And I keep going. And everytime the face changes enough I question myself "I know this person, who is this ?". And when I answer the question, the face is clearer (because I've put a name on the face so it is easier to imagine it and correct it) and I can go on again until I fall asleep.

  • For most nights... Just get in bed and sleep, though sometimes my brain just goes into a sorta fear episode...

    Idk what it is, I just start feeling scared for no reason. If that happens, I just pull some long video on my phone and doze off watching it.

  • Lights out and Kindle with the lowest luminosity posible. I can't barely read 10 pages.

  • Watching tv and fall asleep or download ASMR of your choice, I prefer taping nails, whispering or ears stuff, put the auto close timer at 30 minutes and sleep.

  • Drink sufficient alcohol, lay around in bed until I notice I fell asleep and dropped my phone. Then I can go to sleep.