Sourcing 15mm Cold War Miniatures, Vehicles and Terrain
Sourcing 15mm Cold War Miniatures, Vehicles and Terrain
As cold war minis are not as ubiquitous as WW2 or fantasy minis i made a list for sourcing everything needed. I will try to keep the list updated. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
The List:
- QRF Miniatures: Large source for 15mm vehicles and minis, including minor nations
- Skytrex Miniatures: Some US, British and Soviet vehicles, including rarer Soviet command, FIST and radar vehicles
- Battlefront Miniatures: Team Yankee range, basic range of infantry and vehicles for major and some minor nations, including plastic miniatures
- Peter Pig Miniatures: Vietnam War miniatures for both sides, including vehicles. “Modern Africa” range, suitable for African conflicts
- Quality Castings: Nice ranges for WP vehicles and Infantry, Vietnamese, North Koreans, Mid-East forces, US and British.
- Flashpoint Miniatures: Large range of Vietnam era miniatures, 90s era US miniatures (Ranger/Delta Force), Somalians and Taliban
- Roskopf Modelle: Good source for West-German vehicles, must be sourced from eBay though, because the company is defunct.
- Oddzial Osmy: Good source for Polish and Soviet infantry
- Thingiverse and Cults: Quite a lot of free vehicles can be downloaded, and 3D printed from there.
- Etsy and Shapeways: Some useful 3D prints can be bought there.
- Wargaming 3D: STLs for 3D printing can be sourced from there
- ArmyBits: STLs for 3D printing can be sourced from there in addition to resin and metal models. A good variety of British, Soviet (Including VDV and Speznas) and US minis, including towed artillery and their crews.
- Faller, Noch, Auhagen, Vollmer, Kibri: H0 scale buildings and accessoires, which also fit 1:100/15mm scale wargaming. Very useful for Cold War Germany/Central Europe.