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  • I'm self diagnosed thanks to my wife giving birth to our wonderful autistic children and as we watched them grow up realised I'm autistic too.

    When I'm excited about something and alone, I'll either, hard to explain, try to mash my fingers together while moving them, as if to try and tie them up in a knot.

    The other one I have is placing my hands over my mouth, like I'm reacting to something with shock, and then excitedly breath out in sharp short breaths.

    My youngest on the other hand flaps his hands at the wrist. 😁 He loves PSVR and has broken several move controllers thanks to his stimming.

  • I tap my fingers, usually on my thighs. I also have a bad one for high anxiety situations where I'll rub my thumbnail into the pads of my other fingers. I have actully cut my fingertips open this way in high stress moments.

  • I do not think I 'stim' in the way that others in this thread seem to.

    I have a nicotine addiction.

    Feeling ancy? Feeling uncomfortable, restless? Stressed out after a ludicrous social encounter?

    Puff on a vape for me.

    I do not recommend this, by the way. I have been trying to quit for a decade now and still can't do it.

  • I like to fold paper receipts into pointy ends and use them to poke, stroke and generally pick at my fingers (usually my index), the good thing is that I can do it discretely in my pocket or under a table etc.

    Foot tapping/bouncing too, and I also like to stroke my hair to remove dead strands and twirl the ends. Recently I've started to enjoy making a popping sound with my lips, but mainly when I'm alone as it's audible

    I also have resurrected my childhood/teenage/early 20's blanket that I like to smell (I don't know if that's a stim exactly, but I enjoy sniffing it, and it feels comforting when I do this)

  • I like to:

    • Rock left and right at the hip if I'm standing still. Similarly, I will rock from my toes to my heels.
    • Change my body weight from one leg to the other.
    • Play beats! I'll play by banging on things. I also like to tap my fingers to my thumb while moving my hand like a conductor. I can do this while also playing the beat while clicking my tongue in my mouth.
    • I pretend I'm dancing by rocking.
    • Hum music really low so that mostly no one can hear it.
    • In times I'm very overwhelmed, I will play music at 100% volume, pace to the beat, flap my hands out as if I was shaking water off of my hands to the beat, and just walk in my house for a few hours. It helps get the energy out.
    • At max overwhelm, I will put music at 100% volume and bang on the walls to the beat really hard. I'm surprised the cops haven't shown up, but luckily, my neighbors kinda get it, and I do this rarely.