Knight Tyrant Complete!
Weather finally cooperated enough to allow for varnishing of 'Sardonic Feculence.' All that was left to do was to apply some Blood for the Blood God and Nurgle's Rot technical paints to achieve a suitably blood/pus-filled look.
Next on the painting desk: 'Slaughter's Serenity,' my Khorne Knight-Castigator. 'Death of Duty' is short! @warhammer40k@Bluesheep
It's such a great kit, especially for an easy to build. I just wish the Bloat Drones weren't so expensive because they work wonderfully as well and add a good deal of variety.
In terms of actual hours spent... probably a dozen or so, along with another dozen or so on conversion work. The main problem I have is with finding time or energy to consistently work on something. It's probably why I have a bunch of projects all going at once, so I can bounce around as the mood strikes.