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How the term “genocide” is misused in the Israel-Hamas war

I used to like The Economist, but this is Nazis propaganda right on their page.

Israel, by contrast, does not meet the test of genocide. There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians. Israel does want to destroy Hamas, a militant group, and is prepared to kill many civilians in doing so. While some Israeli extremists might want to eradicate the Palestinians, that is not a government policy.

This is not okay. This is Nazi logic. Nazi, fascist logic, from The Economist.

Even Nazi Germany did not make killing the official "intention" or government policy in my understanding. At least not always. It was announced as a safety guarantee, for example.

  • There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians

    This particular line I keep seeing parroted. Yes, Hamas has said they wish to eradicate an ethnic group. Yes, that is egregious. No, that does not mean their rebellion against the occupying, more powerful force, is a genocide.

    Beyond that, Israel has said "we are fighting against animals", painting Palestinians as inhuman to legitimize their warcrimes. While one may argue that they were just talking about Hamas, it's obvious that Hamas is composed of Palestinians, and while not elected by the Palestinians of today, represent them.

    But to my initial point, the occupying force, physically erasing a people and systemically erasing their culture and ability to congregate and form community is genocide. Regardless of Hamas. They have the means, and they are enacting that means.

  • "um, akshully, it's not genocide, but it might still be bad or whatever." Ridiculous

    Setting aside whether Israel's attacks, killings, civilian casualties and mass displacement meet a particular definition of genocide, what possible reason does the author have to quibble on this?

    Either they're merely being pedantic (which I find hard to believe) or they're trying to blunt outrage over what I think any reasonable person would call a genocide. They're reaching for any means possible to make these crimes seem less heinous. Seems like a move of desperation to me.

    • genocide and ethnic cleansing were inevitable from the moment Israel was formed. ethnic cleansing is the inevitable result of an ethnostate, and Israel was formed to be a Jewish ethnostate. an ethnostate is an ethnostate, regardless of which ethnicity it's for

  • There are considered to be 10 stages of genocide as described by Wikipedia here:

    The stages ramp up in severity until we're at full gas chamber Nazi status by stage 9 and stage 10 is denying any crime occurred.

    I'd say Israel and Palestine were already at like stage 6 before this, now it's at like stage 8. It's not clear if Israel actually plans on exterminating all Palestinians, but it sure seems like that's where they're leading things.

    • It’s not clear if Israel actually plans on exterminating all Palestinians, but it sure seems like that’s where they’re leading things.

      Well, obviously not ALL of Israel. The prime minister doesn't have 100% popular support, but the fascist ghouls he hangs out with have gone mask-off many times saying they want to kill as many Palestinians as they can.

  • Even Nazi Germany did not make killing the official "intention" or government policy

    Nazi Germany started with different policies depending on the target group:

    • Jews, Blacks, other "non Aryans": deport to Africa.
    • Gay and "deviant sexuality": jail, ostracism, castration, labor camps, or death penalty.
    • Wrong nationality or religion: labor camps.
    • Genetically defective (excluding gay), Gypsies: kill on sight.

    Then, when the conquest of North Africa got thwarted, and the costs of war started piling up more and more, Mr. Reinhard (aka "The butcher of Prague", among other similar nicknames) came up with the definitive alternative: "kill them all".

    There were always "some Nazi extremists" who wanted to "kill them all" from the beginning... just like now we have "some Russian extremists" who wanted to "nuke Paris and London" from the beginning... or "some Israeli extremists" who wanted to "push all Palestinians to concentration camps in Egypt" from the beginning, or "tear down all non-Jewish homes" (that includes both Muslim and Christian).

    There is little evidence that Israel, like Hamas, “intends” to destroy an ethnic group—the Palestinians

    ...and of course that is total BS. The foundation of Israel is the UN resolution, which has two parts:

    1. Creating two states: Israel, and Palestine
    2. Merging the two states into one

    AKA: there can only be one state left... so someone has to get stomped out.

    That's what the UN and Israel's Declaration of Independence have been saying all the time.