Switch 2 Rumors Swirl As Major Nintendo Games Go Out Of Stock
Switch 2 Rumors Swirl As Major Nintendo Games Go Out Of Stock

Super Mario Odyssey and more first-party games are disappearing from online stores

Switch 2 Rumors Swirl As Major Nintendo Games Go Out Of Stock
Super Mario Odyssey and more first-party games are disappearing from online stores
Every six months, there are new switches. 2 rumors that switch 2 is six months away. This is the way it always is, and new rumors mean nothing. There's been new rumors constantly for years now.
I had held off getting a switch for years because I figured I'd wait till gen2, grabbed an OLED, and it's already been upgraded to a SD OLED, and there's still no Switch 2 even announced.
I have a hacked Switch and play PSP games and downloaded ROMs with a bag of popcorn any day I see more rumors news...
(I'd like a Switch 2 regardless for more emulation power, but I think that is why Odin Pro 2 and Steam Deck exist).
One one hand, I don’t trust Kotaku articles as far as I can throw them. On the other hand, I’m hoping the “major games going out of stock” part isn’t gonna be a problem in terms of historical preservation of these games.
It's like every other Nintendo first person game. Go try to find a Wii u copy of Mario party or Zelda, they're still pretty much at release price when bought used. Nintendo is great at creating shortages.
Switch is a lot more popular though, a lot more copies knocking about.
They have a perfectly good explanation in the first paragraph of the article:
it has fans wondering if a Nintendo Selects-style repackaging of these titles
What's the point of those sorts of re-releases? Are the contents any different from the game that was on store shelves previously?
It's to show case best sellers. Same reason the PS1 did it, and every console since. Also the same reason books have editions that say bestseller on them.
@atocci @picandocodigo @TAG I’d also add that Nintendo has a history / policy of never reducing the price of a game. So if Zelda is $59 at release, it will still be $59 three years later. This avoids people “waiting a year” for the price to drop - if you want the game, you might as well buy it at launch (unless you want to buy it second hand).
Back in the day of PS2 I remember the greatest hits copies used black and white manuals instead of color copies.
Now that manuals are gone I'm not sure how much different they'd be. Maybe including some DLC similar to a GOTY edition.
I've been saying for a long time that Nintendo clearly buys back and destroys unsold first party stock. That's why you can go search for a first party GameCube game and you'll be paying out the ass for a used copy. I guess it's their way of keeping their games popular and not have unopened copies all over the place
That is a very bold assertion.
I just assume that the Nintendo first party games tend to sell well and sell for a long time, so when they stop getting manufactured, they all sell out and still have a bit of demand left that scoops up used copies. They are not making Madden or Call of Duty, which sell well for a year and then everyone is looking to sell last year's version.
The GameCube really didn't sell that well. They produced less stock overall, thus less supply compared with other systems like PS2.
When comparing with the ps2 specifically, it gets even more skewed as new ps2 games were still being made and released years after the ps3 came out. Not just new copies, but entirely new games.
The Disney of games companies.
Time to unreasonably hype myself up so I’m inevitably disappointed! Can’t wait for a ray traced F Zero on the Switch 2!
If true, the Switch 2 might be coming out sooner than I expected, maybe this summer. I was expecting a spring announcement either way, but a release around the fall for a holiday season showcase. A summer release makes sense too, to leave room for a strong launch window lineup for the holidays.
I assume that it is too late to launch this summer. Systems are almost always announced at least 1 year in advance while Nintendo has yet to confirm that they have a design done for their next system.
Historically, Nintendo has announced things with that kind of lead time, but as of late, Nintendo has kept announcements much closer to the launch date. The Switch from announcement to launch ( Oct 20-March 3) is 134 days. Today, January 11th, we are 137 days away from Memorial Day (May 27), which is the unofficial start to Summer. The real start, June 21st, is a month after that.
My point is, things are way more open. Nintendo can announce and release the thing very quickly if they want to, and I find that much more likely than the drawn out reveals over 18 months that the Wii and Wii U got.