Pangora January Update
Pangora January Update
Hey everyone! Got time to write up an update so figured I would update on events that have been happening around Pangora
Im going to be working on severely changing how the project is handled
Theres another project thats been getting made and rather than work on a separate thing than them ive decided to merge my work on pangora into their project
After that pangora will be soft forked (in both the front and back ends) for specific niche customizations but the majority of the development will be done in that other projects repository
They havent announced it publicly so ill let them be the ones to do that but if youre interested in helping develop it (or if youre an admin of an instance) feel free to reach out and I can add you to a chat for it (main languages used are java, typescript (next.js), and go)
In other news for the project I made a couple supporting sites
- - used to generate badges to show instance community or user stats
- - used to see a recap of your stats for the year
Overall this means that rather than work on a beta for the frontend ill be working on the other projects frontend to get pangora into there. Expect things like a beta when that other frontend is done and I can fork it properly