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  • Baïkal is exactly what you're looking for. It's a lightweight install, based on the sabre/dav framework and offered by the same developers. Highly recommended.

  • I use NC for a lot of things so I use it currently, but I did use Radicale once upon a time. It's pretty simple to set up, though it's all done via conf files.

    It hasn't gotten many commits in the last year or so, idk what the maintenance status is these days. It worked well enough though when that's all I wanted out of a DAV server.

    I see someone put up a dockerfile for it:

  • Some of the recommendations I have seen are Baikal and Radicale. I don’t think either have an official Docker image, but there are a few community-maintained images.

    • I set up Radicale with the normal deb package, I like that more because it will be automatically updated.