This dead again?
This dead again?
1.1 has seen no progress. 1.0 hasn’t been updated in about a month.
This dead again?
1.1 has seen no progress. 1.0 hasn’t been updated in about a month.
It‘s just sad, the app was so promising.
I’ve mostly stopped using Bean because the features of other apps have greatly surpassed it. But I really do miss it. If Steve gets a burst of motivation and pushes some meaningful updates, I’ll be back in a heartbeat.
What did you move on to? I’m struggling to find something that combines the UI and speed of Bean.
Wait, this is dead? I didn’t notice. But yeah, it appears like that. Just need Banners to be honest. So much stuff here is quite nice. Aside from the fact that many options are paid only but you have to make money somehow.
I paid the $30 when it was on sale and am regretting it. It has the best interface IMO, but it’s stalled out, is missing features other clients have added, and still hasn’t delivered on features such as truly functional community groups that were part of the pro package.