Play outer wilds.
Play outer wilds.
Play outer wilds.
Echoing others. The first five-six hours of the game were fantastic. Eventually though, you hit a snag where the time you spend and what little is to be solved or revealed slows down. I got 80% of the way and finally decided to look online for answers. Once the Let's Play started, I just let it run and watched it through the ending.
Still an amazing experience, I just didn't have the patience to turn over every rock.
Just finished it the other day - the time loop kinda took away from the experience for me tbh, towards the end I was rushing around being like “gotta do this in 20 minutes or I have to start all over”. Kinda detracted from the chill space exploration. Still a cool game.
I found the opposite, because of the way things changed and I knew so little going in the time loop added so much. I had like four different theories as to why the sun was going supernova and how to stop it. Then going through I tried to stop it on the next loop by visiting the place I thought was responsible. Or if I couldn't get there I would just chill and go check out a different location.
Very cool game, though some of the level design really took me out of it. Specifically the path to the High Energy Lab, where you have to wait a bunch and then navigate a confusingly designed cave in a sharp time limit.
If you enjoy this sort of puzzle solving and also enjoy Hollow Knight level platforming melee combat nastiness, I'd also recommend La Mulana and its sequel.
Great game to just float and chill and listen to a space banjo. Though I didn't end up finishing it.