Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Tested with both ungoogled-chromium and firefox without cookies
This is absolutely amazing, the actual Reddit site is so buggy on mobile. half the time can't even get it to scroll or show more comments. this will circumvent the need for Reddit entirely when looking for specific or niche info. thanks for sharing!
I've been selfhosting this for months, it works great. Only thing is that most of the time I scroll through the same post like 20 times a day, i don't know why.
This is wonderful! I occasionally go back out of curiosity (aka to confirm it’s still trash) but refuse to engage. I’d hoped I could find an extension that would prevent accidentally upvoting or commenting. This is much better. I’d give you gold but “we don’t do that here.”
P.s. you have your markdown reversed with the links - the text needs to be in the square brackets with the link in the parentheses. [text](
Hey - thanks for doing this. There’s one sub for a specialty 3d printer I want to keep tabs on but the sub is “unreviewed“ and unavailable on the web as it may contain inappropriate content (it doesn’t, unless you count people bitching about component troubleshooting). It’s available on your gateway. It seems to bypass all content restrictions, convenient for mobile browsing.
When I opened in my lemmy client (aka works in safari for iOS) it loaded just fine but posts don’t seem to populate when I open in Firefox/firefox focus