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  • I heard only last night about a script that is being written, but written specifically with the actor, Patrick [Stewart], to play in it. And I’ve been told to expect to receive it within a week or so.

    Notably, that week was several weeks ago:

    TrekMovie has confirmed with Josh Horowitz that this interview was recorded in early November as Stewart was out promoting his new memoir, Making It So.

  • Please just fucking retire TNG already. It's time to move on. Give us that Seven show with a gay captain. I'd watch the hell out of that.

  • i will always love a new picard movie since i have memories of watching tng with my dad and i loved picard but i still want them to make star trek legacy

  • I think this is great and anything I can see Patrick Stewart in, I will. I don’t share the opinion that Picard series was bad. I don’t see Picard as a one-dimensional must always be the same character. People change over time. And Picard has also changed. Like it or not.

    Bring on the movie!