Compy... Burninate that entire personal log.
Compy... Burninate that entire personal log.
Compy... Burninate that entire personal log.
I was bummed when Flash died, just because the site would never be the same again. I believe they have archived most of it in the form of YouTube videos, but it just isn't the same. The small interactive jokes were great!
Loved scanning for hidden crap. At least, until I figured out you could tab around within the screen to see clickable objects.
i... never thought to do that, young as i was
Have you visited recently? They applied Ruffle to the site so virtually everything works except Games.
E-mails, checkin’ da emails
Well, g2g
Kaiser, CA
Strongbad even has the boxing gloves to punch Q on his hands already. How he types with them on, though, who knows?
Not mine, but appropriate:
wow, that's some 2002 comin' back to say hello!
DS9 and Homestar Runner were nearly contemporaneous. They missed each other by, like, a year...
Not mine, but awesome.
Off topic: that font gives me fuzzy feelings inside
Was glad there's a font generator for it.
Here is a whole website dedicated to it.
Please man, I'm at work, I can't be seen browsing these websites in public!
Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face
This is such a great crossover
Best thing ever, best thing ever, this is the best thing ever!
Thank you for this. You managed to combine two of my favorite things in a way I never expected. BURNINATE THE DOMINION!!