For years now after a while I just stop getting texts. Reboot the phone and they work again for a while. The crazy thing is that it's happening on several phones. A pixel 3, a galaxy s20, and now a OnePlus 8.
Signal works fine obviously but only a few people I know are on signal.
Carrier is T-Mobile and they always just want to sell me. A new phone.
Anyone have ideas?
Hot tip: every company always wants to sell you something .
The phone carrier doesn't have any way to block your sms messages. There isn't anything they can sell you that will do anything for sms. The only way that could be a thing is if the phone you have is so old its unable to work with current network technology.
Is it sms messages that are not sending or is it RCS messages that are losing connection? There is a bug with RCS where it will time out or lose connection and messages will never send. Sometimes a reset fixes this.
What texting app are you using? I have sadly had to stop using Textra all together due to similar issues with not getting messages across multiple phones, but everything works fine on Google messages.
My husband was having sporadic SMS, RCS, and video stream buffering issues across several devices. After I activated the eSim on his Pixel 7 pro all the issues disappeared. I assume it was a bad sim card. This was also a TMO sim card
I don't have a real solution, but this has happened to me on my Moto G repeatedly over the last few years. People just seem to stop talking to me, then I reboot randomly and suddenly all these week-old texts come through. I just make a point of rebooting each night when I plug it in. Since that works, I'm guessing it's a memory issue or some background process stops and never restarts, or maybe it loses some token and can't communicate with the network. It's weird they haven't fixed it, but my phone is pretty old now so my expectations are low.