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The most reactionary shit I’ve seen

A while back, I infiltrated a far right message board.

I happened upon a conversation between two Neo Nazis arguing about the holocaust. One of them was arguing that the number of victims were exaggerated. The other was arguing that it didn’t happen, that it was a fabrication, but it should have happened.

First as a tragedy, then as a farce.

  • First time on Twitter?

    • If this is the shit you find on Twitter, then I’m glad I never started using it

      • Lefty Twitter isn’t great either. It’s not horrid shit like this but it’s lots of Maoists or Orthodox Marxists telling you that you know nothing about Marx. Fun on occasion with the right follows but lame people are everywhere on Twitter, I like the ‘Grad a lot more for many reasons

  • Yep Ive seen horrific memes. Like the meme of Spongebob reading two different pages and it says “It didn’t Happen” and the other page says “It did and it was good” and it WASN’T ironic or making fun of them, the comments were questioning the number 6 million and seeing them aim higher or lower for their own personal political goals really made me lose faith in humanity