It's wild that they get away with charging for it
It's wild that they get away with charging for it
It's wild that they get away with charging for it
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Its funny that people are like "look at PC gaming its so free" while paying to host their own servers for individual games, partying up in Discord Nitro and buying battle passes for games they already bought for full price.
No, but what's funny, is that you think these are good examples to make your point. A low amount of gamers actually hosts their own paid servers. Nitro is completely optional and, matter of fact, I don't know a single person who uses it. Battle passes aren't PC exclusive and you don't have to purchase a single one to game normally.
So you're unsurprisingly just making points out of thin air! There's so many advantages consoles have compared to PC gaming, but you just wanted to shit on a freshly made bed, didn't you?
It was mostly a tongue in cheek comment. But hey because there's all these other not quite as successful paid services and no-one you know uses them, therefore they are less valuable, we shouldn't be mad about those ones right?
Who pays for nitro? Or battle passes for that matter?
And the only server hosting Ive ever paid for was $8 for 3 months. Thats not a big deal compared to console online prices
Wtf does nitro even give you? Discord is bloated as fuck as it is
Hosting your own servers is a niche thing nowadays, and even where that is the case there's usually official servers.
Hell I don't know a recent major PC title that even supports hosting your own servers. Not even Quake Chumpions let's you host your own servers.
Arma, counter strike, valheim, v rising, insurgency, satisfactory, battlebit. There's all sorts of multiplayer PC games that support server hosting.
Yes, but it's not so ubiquitous that having to host your own server is a legitimate concern for the average PC gamer, and the case of there still being off8cal servers which are a viable option for people who don't want to host their own.