It's wild that they get away with charging for it
It's wild that they get away with charging for it
It's wild that they get away with charging for it
"Imagine paying for the internet twice." -PC Gamers
Yeah, with the Steam Deck being as good and cheap as it is, consoles hardly even have the "cheaper" justification anymore. Now it's just the artificial exclusives.
Just stop paying for it. After just a few weeks you'll realize it was a silly addiction. There's lots of great games that don't require a subscription.
I did exactly this and now I'm addicted to two new games that have no fees!
Now I'm addicted to drugs and alcohol!
Now I'm addicted to staying away from such fees, it's great!
Some people have friends they wanna play with. Or so I hear.
PC, steam deck
They aren't your friends and it won't bother you after a few weeks of detox.
There's a lot of gamers in this thread too young to remember how overloaded and miserable the free console game servers were.
Microsoft was like "chuck us like ~$5 per month and we will put up enough servers so the games are actually playable". At the time, it was the best deal available for console gaming.
Honestly an argument could be made it was the most economical way to play online, in general, at the time. The console cost was subsidized, and the online servers were arguably at-cost, and you really only needed to buy one copy of Halo to join the fun.
Yeah but they don't run the servers anymore. So I don't know what I'm paying for really.
Idk. I was always a PC gamer, and think the old, often modded, independently run servers were much more fun than the soul-less matchmaking I see on most modern games. It was fun to play UT2004, and join a server where the arena was someone's bedroom and all the sound effects were ripped from The Simpsons; or to jump into a clan's open server and shit-talk them while they dominate me, or to join a server run by Beyond Unreal's community, where the mods used were voted on by the community beforehand, IIRC. Good times.
I was always a PC gamer, and think the old, often modded, independently run servers were much more fun than the soul-less matchmaking I see on most modern games.
Absolutely. If one was lucky enough to have a buddy with a server setup, that was by far the coolest option.
There's still yet another side to it. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is still around today. Boot it up, and try joining a game. Five hours later, the mods finish loading, and you get a splash screen full of ads before you begin playing with bots.
At the time, it felt like there were a lot of hobbyists willing to shell out cash to run their servers, but ensuring you got a fair game low on mods was often more trouble than it was worth. I'm even a little bit grateful that Team Fortress 2 started hosting their own, even if they failed to fix the bot situations.
Very true. These things do still exist for a lot of games. It lost popularity a lot on CS due to the incessant need for "competitive" matchmaking, but they are still out there. Rust is a good game for heavily modded servers (if you like the game concept in the first place) and I think Arma (which a bit more niche) is basically all community servers, ranging from in depth military reality to role playing much more mundane stuff.
And this is why it was successful and still exists to this day.
excuse the fist shaking at the cloud
Kids these days literally want everything for free and don't care that microtransactions and other monetization has pervaded every aspect of games.
Horse armour, man. Never forget the horse armour. Kids these days love horse armour.
It's not a matter of age. You can play for free on PC now and it's a better experience in many regards. There are also older games (even on console) where you could connect directly to a user through IP address or phone number and those will work to this day. Consoles are the domain of companies that want to have their little walled garden so they can overcharge for things like this.
It's totally a matter of age. Kids these days have no idea how good they have it, and don't realize they need to get off my lawn. Shakes cain in the air /s
I'ma be the devil's advocate - even if they were free, eventually someone would have made it a subscription-based model since PSN servers cost money. Sure, it's not a lot of money, but it's money.
I'm not so sure. Steam servers also cost money. They make way more money from their cut of sales. On console the same thing happens. If not requiring the subscription gets more users, then you make more money by not having it.
They aren't charging because it costs money to run. They're charging because it's more profitable.
I agree, and I think we're actually just saying the same thing - the managers and stuff at (insert big name console manufacturer here) saw the loss by server money (which is, yes, very little money in the grand scheme) and then decided "let's purge that cost too and get 500000% profit on that section as well". Hence, the current state of affairs.
I think it's simply a side-effect of the current state of gaming, which sucks more than people generally consider. We've been getting nudged here slowly over a generation, so it doesnt feel hot to most of us. I'm bitter though and i hold grudges. im old too, so listen to me while i shake my cane!
Everything the game companies currently do with their IPs (locking games to their own servers and charging us for the privilege for example) is all about maintaining complete control of their IP. Remember that fucking lawyer-ese we all have to check-off so we can play the game we paid for? the part where they call what we're getting a 'licence'? Yeah, this is what it looks like when we don't own the things we buy.
If the subscription costs were truly about the cost of running the servers then another option for companies would be to allow for us to make and host our own servers. The fact that a precious few game companies even allow us to host servers long after a game's natural lifetime is over means that they prefer this outcome. When they have control over the servers they get to control the game's lifetime.
Could them cats running Modern Warfare 29 or whatever we're on now keep releasing the same fucking game every year if players were allowed to host their own private servers for the games they bought? No way, right? That's the reason they do private servers, it is more profitable for them to do so.
Now if you made it this far, you're thinking
Hey old-head!! That doesn't really answer the question of why we pay for the privilege of paying twice, the thread you're responding to! did all that leaded gasoline go to your boomerbrain?
first of all kiddo the newspaper that i still read says i'm a xennial or some bullshit so get off the lawn i'll never own and second is i actually don't know. I suspect we pay for it because we can get fucked. The fact we pay is ancillary to the whole control thing. they just do it because now that we're locked in, they can and thats all there is to it
I love paying for nintendo online so I can play splatoon 3 which runs on fucking p2p
Nintendo really did decide to jump on the Xbox Live band- wagon without really implementing any of the perks.
Marketplaces are always a game of chicken. If a company thinks they can charge more for less they will; they just need another company to do it first
Stop preordering, support Indi games.
This isn't hard guys.
And raise the flag ⚓
I'm not sure what Xbox Live has to do with pre-ordering. These days if you have Game Pass you're technically supporting a whole host of indies.
Problem is many indi games just don't have the same appeal as AAA games. There are a few gems but I need to be in the mood.
personally AAA games don't appeal to me most of the time. Spare for a few titles that are on my wishlist like Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring (for the reasons explained below) I don't plan on buying any in the foreseeable future.
Most AAA games are plagued by the money curse - devs don't get the freedom to do what they want to do, they are made to create what will make money. Innovation is a risk and will be shut down by the money men unless your name is big enough to sell copies on its own. Sure not all triple A will turn out to be bad or meh, but they are pricey and often so, so, bloated. I was on the fence with Starfield, DIYed myself a demo and that thing was like 95GB with nothing to show for it.
I feel like it's two separate markets that are forced to share the same big tent known as "gaming".
I never play AAA games. I'm not on some moral crusade, they just don't appeal. I do not have the twitch reflexes for FPS, but smaller devs tend to make the sort of gameplay I like.
Right now the only indy game I can think of that's truly competitive is Battlebit, and that's only because everyone hates what became of Battlefield. Otherwise it's just me and what feels like a half dozen other weirdos out here trying to build a bakery so we can feed pie to harpies, while 90% of the world is playing COD like it's their job. It's two vastly different people who do not have the same needs, is what I'm saying.
So maybe people need to deal with that and stop honking the "play indy" horn so much. If that was the solution, people would already be on it.
So glad I bought a Steam Deck. Playing games on the couch with friends who each brought their own controller, easily connecting and combining PS4, PS5, Xbox and Nintendo controllers to play together feels surreal and like living in the future of gaming. Never buying another console or their subscriptions ever again.
Yeah, well this is partly why PCs don’t get all the games. Uniform hardware of the consoles and subscriptions to access online play makes them a lot more attractive. Less dev cost, more $. E: plus consoles cost less than a good gaming PC, so that means more players to buy more games.
The publishers/Developers never see that online subscription money. They have to host their own servers anyways.
Yeah, well this is partly why PCs don’t get all the AAA games
PC gets a fuckton more games than consoles, very few games are actually console exclusive and especially exclusive to all consoles but not PC.
I think this is getting less true, and especially with Game Pass and now Sony putting a lot of first party titles on PC, I'm hard pressed to think of a AAA game that isn't available, or won't be if I don't mind waiting a 6 months.
Makes sense, they need a carrot to lure people into their walled garden.
Yeah? Who pays for the servers that run your matches?
It may be unpopular to hear, but game prices don't completely cover the cost of development and definitely don't cover server operation costs every month.
And if devs raised prices, you'd be complaining about that too.
PC games do just fine without a subscription model (for the most part).
Not always. It feels like it's pretty often I hear about an indie MP game concept I like, but due to low popularity, the servers were taken offline.
Granted, that'd be an issue anytime it's unpopular, but at least a game with 2-digit playership can still just have some friends in the last remaining server.
The cost is minimal. There's a reason why it's still free on PC. Additionally, you could offer a free option by letting users host their own servers, but that would go against the walled garden bullshit that lets them charge so much for such a cheap service. In fact, I don't know if it's changed since the earlier days, but many console games had games hosted on user consoles anyway, it's just the initial matchmaking which uses the company's servers.
game prices don't completely cover the cost of development and definitely don't cover server operation costs every month.
Nope. while it might be true for small independent game developers it's totally false for big company, like MS just a fifth of the profit they paid to shareholders is enough to run good server for like five years
Games from big companies, except the games that went flop, or F2P games, or the game that purposefully sell at low price in order to sell other forms of microtransactions, then most games are profitable
they don't have to rely on monthly subscription to be profitable but the problem for them is "the profit is not high enough" and that's why they do this
just a fifth of the profit they paid to shareholders is enough to run good server for like five years
Xbox doesn't make nearly that much profit compared to MS as a whole. And the cost of building and running a low latency, graphically powerfull data centre in every major region is actually massive.
Then consider that the subscription not only pays for the data centre but also pays the game devs themselves, then you'll see they're not actually money grubbing super villains for this.
What if the game is P2P?
They do cover it - The only thing you're defending her are "shareholder profits".
Normalize LESS of a win for the endless growth fucks. They'll still win plenty.
What year is it for you dude
I’d always been a PC gamer and didn’t really get into console multiplayer games ever. It wasn’t until my young son started growing up and getting into gaming that we started looking at doing multiplayer games on consoles. I was appalled by this whole dumb subscription model for playing multiplayer on games that you already bought over the internet (which you’ve also already paid money to your ISP for). Having played years of online gaming for free, the idea of having to pay to play is just mind-boggling to me (though I’ll allow for MMORPGs and some other types of games, that’s understandable).
The worst offender is/was Gears of War, which requires you to sign up for the Xbox game pass in order to play Horde mode, which is just a goddamn couch co-op mode where you play against waves of cpu opponents. It was fucking free in GoW2, literally no internet required, but then suddenly these bastards required you to subscribe to their dumb fucking gaming service just for the privilege of playing against the computer. When I complained about it, people acted like I was entitled or stuck up for expecting it to be free. Just absolute bullshit.
Gears of War (2006) also required the sub to play online but didn't actually have dedicated servers, which for a twitch reflex shooter game meant the host always had an advantage no matter how good your connection was. It became really apparent with one of the tiny dlc maps Raven Down where the words "host shotgun advantage" were often heard.
Yes, World of Warcraft certainly had nothing to do with it.
The gaming phenomena that made billions from their subscription model had absolutely no influence, whatsoever.
How could Microsoft do this?
World of Warcraft ushered in the "games as a service" model, not the "pay to access online features" model. Warcraft doesn't charge you for accessing the internet on your computer.
If WOW was available on console, you'd be paying Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo as well as Blizzard. That's the difference. They are similar, but WOW didn't cause consoles to go pay only for online games.
Subscription based games existed well before WoW was a thing. Ultima Online and EverQuest were well established to name the two biggest of the time. There's also a massive difference between a handful of players on a short lived instance of a game and the requirements for an MMORPG.
Xbox live subscription, existed before WoW. All it really did (Xbox Live) gave you the ability to use your console to play with other people online. Halo was still P2P hosted by other players. You posted a subscription to do what Steam and Battle.Net already did, for free.
But you seem to have a real hatred for WoW for some reason. You've made 2 posts defending Microsoft by eluding towards WoW... Can I guess your an Xbox gamer in your mid-late 20s?
WoW actually runs servers that cost money and that's a core part of how the game works. While I'm sure XBL does in some small fashion as well, it doesn't seem to be wholly necessary to the experience, hence I can play online games from my PC for free just fine. There is no reason why merely to use any game online, I should have to pay.
I didn't mind paying for a subscription for wow back in the day when they constantly added patches and content for no added cost. I don't know if Microsoft continually added more value for your subscription.
Don't they literally add games every week?
Steam has your back
Bless Gabe. I just got a Deck and it's just chef kiss
This has always been my sole reason for never buying a console.
I mean subscription gaming properly started on the PC with MMOs
-and I say this as a mainly PC gamer. I remember thinking how insane it was that my friend paid monthly to play the new Warcraft game..this of course before I understood what server costs were
To be fair, running servers for MMOs wasn't cheap. Network cost alone could be quite high, not to mention the storage and backup they'd have to keep rolling in order to ensure small blackouts or crashes didn't doom months of player progress.
That's completely different from what microsoft offered with the xbox, which was effectively a master lobby server to find matches. Little processing and networking needed.
Doesn't matter where it started the point is that most pc gaming can be done without a subscription
They provided years of content, dedicated support and actively stopped glitches and hacking. Paying for solid service and no hackers can be beneficial.
People pay it. There's yer problem.
Switched to PC gaming years ago and never looked back. Praise gaben.
I can’t go back to consoles lol. I do so many other things on my PC and it just also happens to be great for running games. And you can play damn near anything you want. I setup Dolphin the other day just so I could play through SSX Tricky. I regularly play through Star Fox 64 or Streets of Rage. My friends and I will still randomly do a run through of L4D2. And then we can still play whatever modern games we want. Can’t do all that on a console.
It's not like Microsoft invented the idea of a paid online gaming service with Live. Total Entertainment Network for PCs and Sega MegaNet for consoles came out well ahead of it., Mplayer, Kali, the list goes on
This unlocked some really nostalgic memories of Sony Online Entertainment for me.
Get a Steam Deck or build some SteamOS machine console.
That's why I only buy consoles that aren't supported anymore and mod them, it's just better and cheaper.
Nintendo and Sony's free options were junk. Microsoft mage a product so much better than the free alternatives that people were willing to pay for it.
Better than on pc, where it was completely free?
In many ways, yes. It was , and still is to some degree, massively more convenient for the couch gamers. That is what you pay for.
Nintendo's paid option is still garbage.
Sony's free options were junk
Not during the PS2 era. FF11, EverQuest Adventures, THPS, MGSO1, Splinter Cell Mercs vs Spies... Quite possibly the best era of online console gaming, IMO.
It would have never lasted or been as good. P2P has plenty of issues. And servers would eventually need to be paid for. This would just lead to higher priced games, game specific subscriptions, ad funded online gaming or worse micro transaction per game.
Not an XBox or XBoL user.
If they're running infrastructure that hosts game servers, while keeping all that standardized and cheat-free, that might be a bargain at $15/mo or whatever it costs. But if they're just providing match-making, listing game servers, all while hosting matches on consoles, they're just taking your money.
it might be a bargain... but actually they're locking down hardware and software that you already paid for... so it's a ripoff, not a bargain
i'd be fine with optional using their services.
btw, the game developers run the servers anyways.
They've always run the infrastructure to have voice chat parties, host your screenshots/video clips and run moderation for accounts and games within the infrastructure. Cheat-free is a high bar, but its going to be less likely on an Xbox Live only game than on a user hosted server inside a PC game.
That makes sense. I forgot about voice, and the global moderation/banning features are a decent feature for something that everyone else would have to solve (with varying efficacy).
I'm old enough to remember free online gaming that required you to dial into the phone number of the server with your modem. It was a wonderful and glorious time.
I remember having free Internet because my local library offered dialup service to everyone in the county.
It wasn't fast, but no dialup ever was.
I'm old enough to remember a time when you did actually have to pay extra to play games online through services like HEAT and TEN. That shit didn't last long at all, though. Was mostly in the transitory state between when multiplayer was LAN only and the introduction of TCP/IP internet play. I had to use these for Shadow Warrior and Duke3D. Before that, CompuServe (the ISP that introduced me to the internet) also had games that had a separate charge in addition to the service itself, such as the original Neverwinter Nights (not the Bioware game).
One of my favorite stories from those days was trying to get Doom set up to play head-to-head via modem with a friend of ours. We had all kinds of trouble getting it to work, and I swear at some point we actually heard our friends voice coming through the computer speaker or somewhere from the computer! Lol
I still remember my first online console gaming experience… Alien Front Online on the Dreamcast. Still not sure how that was an actual thing at that point - the controller even had a little mic module that would slip in where the memory cards went.
Just looked it up - I’m shocked it came out almost 2 full years before Xbox live…
I, too, sleep in a bed, lying down.
I spent $70 for 3 years of gamepass and online play. I'm more than getting my money's worth.
I think Gamepass alone is worth it
Yeah, I pulled some loophole with gold and live and conversion a few years ago, and it's absolutely been worth it. The titles I played alone covered the cost of it all, especially because I played games I otherwise wouldn't have. The game where you drive trucks in mud? Not on my shopping list. But for "free"? I'm in, let's waste some time.
Today that’d cost you $360 & you’d have to moonwalk away.
I’m out of the loop, going by the MS site price… how’d you score that?
Hmm, CNET recommends CDKeys, I guess they’re not using stolen credit cards then. ($165 for 3yr.)
You used to be able to upgrade your entire gold subscription to gamepass by just paying for a month of gamepass. I know of people that bought multiple years of gold while they were on sale then bought a month of gamepass and boom, multiple years of gamepass for a low price.
I'm not sure if they still do that upgrading thing anymore
Tbh, I'm not only blaming those corps but also the whalers for enabling it. It could have died but people funded it and now here we are. I mean paying subs for servers made sense, then they did game pass, microtransactions and all other stuff, and now it's unplayable for me. Solo games on consoles, and multiple players on PC only if they're worth it. Even with some trash games like CoD, I miss them when they weren't subscription based. I bought CoD Vanguard out of nostalgic and it didn't even take me a week to get turned off by game pass. I regretted it, I tried to have it refunded but I played a bit too longer past refund period.
It sucks so bad. I'm glad I kept my old consoles like n64, ps2, ps3, wii, wii u, GBA SP, DS etc. I still get hooked playing those old games.
I got switch, but only for zelda games, thankfully they haven't mess with those type of games... So far...
If I remenber it well Apple was the first to push the monthly subscription model (not in gaming).
I believe it was Adobe with their CC software (photoshop, flash etc). Everone was talking how revolutionary it was and how it'll change software selling forever.
fuck Adobe
the worst part about it is that their software is a requirement for creative arts if you want to be hired by someone. Sure a freelancer can use whatever they want but if you want to get hired you better know photoshop, after effects, and premiere pro or you're dead to employers
Remember when sony had a few database hacks and all the bootlickers were like "see paid services are better!" Fuckin idiots
good thing sony doesnt charge to play online 👍
Unsure if sarcasm, but iirc the hacks were mostly PS3 era, I think 09/10, and you've needed psplus to play online since PS4?
Not only the PCMASTERRACE doesn't pay subscription, we also got 20 great games for free over X-mas from Epic, Gog, Indigala and many more.
And if you really want a subscription, Amazon Prime gives you 5-10 games per month for free. Permanently.
The funny thing is that Microsoft also attempted to bring paid online to PC back in the GFWL days and failed.
I think most people accepted Xbox Live being paid due to the fact that online gaming on consoles wasn't all that prominent compared to PC at the time.
Both Xbox and PSN had to start offering extra bonuses to stop people from having that "Hey, wait..." moment. For a lot of people, the free games were the whole cake, not the cherry on top.
As somebody with a PC, I don't understand this. Does this mean that console games are only subscriptions now?
If you want to play anything online with a console, you have to pay for a yearly subscription.
Yep, that's terrible.
The lack of self awareness is amazing. Yep, fuck Microsoft! How dare they make a product that the gaming community chose to support instead of buying competing products! Shame on THEM for making the thing YOU voluntarily paid for!
We did this to ourselves. Literally.
its inevitable under capitalism
Paying to play exclusives online is fair game, servers need funding and all, but the fact that you need to pay for online games of third party devs who won't see anything from the extra expense is bull.
even a 7 year old pc with a 1080ti outperforms a ps5. maybe time to switch.
I had the dilemma of being a hardcore PC gamer for 15 years now but ever since I got my home theater setup I cannot justify using a PC in place of the PS5. The PS5 brings loads of convenience, easy of use and compatibility to my setup. HDR support is hit and miss, you can't easily wake the PC from sleep with a controller, no HDMI CEC, and the list goes on. The tradeoff of a less performant console outweighs the cons of a PC for my use case.
yeah console is definitely more convenient re pick up and go. But for quality gaming the PC is superior by far. I personally have both a 4080ti and a PS5 and i almost never turn on ps5 anymore, Media is watched via a Firestick Stick in TV....i should probably sell the PS5.
I've researched it a fair bit and for the same price you will never get the same performance on a PC as on a ps5. The issue is that games are highly optimised for the one platform and not optimised for Pc.
On paper the raw specs may be better, but in reality the console almost always performs better.
there are plenty of sites with benchmarks showing a 1080ti outperforming a ps5 in gaming. the cost of a pc with this setup must be close to a ps5 now? maybe not i haven't actually looked :). But yes dollar for dollar you'll probs get best performance from a ps5 if buying current components. If budget is an issue ps5 is definitely a better option.
It honestly makes sense to pay for a service that needs maintenance in perpetuity.
Then why doesn't steam on PC charge a monthly fee to use it's many extensive services? Just because they've given a reason for charging for something, doesn't mean we need to accept it blindly.
Because Steam wants your business. They offer their services in exchange for you buying more games on their platform. Initially they made these services for their own in-house developed games on the platform.
The consoles that had online functionality before the Xbox didn't charge for it, with the exception of SEGA Genesis' system that worked through your cable TV provider back in the 90's (and was so niche, not many people outside Japan had it). The Dreamcast and PS2 both managed to have online services similar to what Xbox provided, and they were completely free of charge.
I don't think they were similar at all. I loved the Dreamcast, but being able to play laggy games of Chu Chu Rocket on dial-up is not really a comparison to the dedicated servers, closed moderated ecosystem with chat/friends etc. that MS created. And that's just comparing to the early iterations of Xbox Live.
Its funny that people are like "look at PC gaming its so free" while paying to host their own servers for individual games, partying up in Discord Nitro and buying battle passes for games they already bought for full price.
No, but what's funny, is that you think these are good examples to make your point. A low amount of gamers actually hosts their own paid servers. Nitro is completely optional and, matter of fact, I don't know a single person who uses it. Battle passes aren't PC exclusive and you don't have to purchase a single one to game normally.
So you're unsurprisingly just making points out of thin air! There's so many advantages consoles have compared to PC gaming, but you just wanted to shit on a freshly made bed, didn't you?
It was mostly a tongue in cheek comment. But hey because there's all these other not quite as successful paid services and no-one you know uses them, therefore they are less valuable, we shouldn't be mad about those ones right?
Who pays for nitro? Or battle passes for that matter?
And the only server hosting Ive ever paid for was $8 for 3 months. Thats not a big deal compared to console online prices
Wtf does nitro even give you? Discord is bloated as fuck as it is
Hosting your own servers is a niche thing nowadays, and even where that is the case there's usually official servers.
Hell I don't know a recent major PC title that even supports hosting your own servers. Not even Quake Chumpions let's you host your own servers.
I'm all for free online console gaming, but servers and maintenance needs to get paid.
How do you think it works for PC games?
Traditionally, we the players paid for the servers. If it was a server browser game like counter strike, the various clans would pay for their own servers. Companies that sold gaming servers would also host some as an advertisement of how good their servers were
Peer to peer?
Even in P2P you'll still need someone to go tell you what other IP addresses are in the group that you're trying to join. And you have to know the IP address of that someone. You're not going to scan the entire Internet to figure out who all else is attempting to play the exact same game as you, that would take literal days every time (assuming you rule out anyone IPv6, if you include them that suddenly becomes millions of years).
Even in P2P you will need to hit a commonly known and trusted resource to tell you what other IP addresses you need to go talk to.
Such a lame argument. 1) so you're suggesting they don't make money by selling the game? 2) you don't think gamers wouldn't prefer to host servers themselves if they had the option?
Then let us run private servers. It use to be that I could buy a copy of Unreal Tournament or Quake and the server hosting software would either come with the game or could be downloaded elsewhere for free. I could then run the server on my own computer and internet connect or buy server space from a third party.
Unless you pay them for internet bandwidth, there's no servers needed for internet access on the side of Microsoft
Just recently Microsoft lifted the need to have a subscription to play free games though, it was always just a block.
Big mistake. Seriously, Lemmy has this weird thing about not paying for anything. From music, movies to games. From being a massive open source community you'd expect them to understand things are not free.
Imagine buying a game, then buying a subscription to play it online, only for the company to drop support for the game and because they never released the server software, you just own dead software now. I'm fine with buying software to support the devs, but it sucks that you can't play disconnected games because some suit wanted to maximize profits.
Yep. I’ve noticed a lot of people on this site find the tiniest reason to try and justify their pirating and why they’re totally not stealing (or, if they are, it’s always morally justified, somehow). Not saying there aren’t times where piracy is justified (DRM, anyone?), but it’s certainly a lot less than this site would have you believe.
I know you're getting down voted into oblivion (or at least as much as one can on Lemmy), but you're 100% correct. For a social media platform dominated by nerds who worship Linux, there are a lot of people here who seemingly don't understand how networking and servers actually work.
I feel bad for the people running the instances
For someone so confident, you don't seem to know how business works. They aren't charging a subscription to pay for servers exactly, that's just an excuse. They charge because it's the most profitable option. They take a cut of game sales, which more than makes up for server costs.
Game companies have to pay to host the servers for their games and they usually don't charge a subscription. If they did people would avoid their games. Console developers can because (they think) you don't have a choice. If the subscription cost them customers, they'd stop doing it.
Steam has to host the same servers they do. Steam doesn't have a subscription though. They just take a portion of sales, like console manufacturers also do, to pay for it. If that's possible, clearly a subscription isn't required.