The issue isn't that he got a hair transplant, the issue is that, if someone is lying about something as inconsequential as that, you can't trust a word they say. Granted, it's not even in the top ten reasons to not trust Trump, but it's a reason nonetheless.
I'm all for a positive self imagine but hair loss is completely natural. Unless you're living in the world where you deluded yourself into thinking you can be 18 forever just be you. Loving yourself is the first step in being attractive.
it's less the transplants and more the way he styles the mass.
I'm losing my hair. I've decided the side effects and drug costs aren't worth the vanity.
Had a friend who lost all his hair between freshman and sophomore year of college, and I've always felt that it did nothing to reduce his masculinity or mojo, so perhaps it's not that big of a deal. Every day more of my hair falls out and you know what, I'm ok with that. I'm in my 40s. It'll be ok.
YMMV, but Trump's obsession with insulting others means he's fair game to me if I want to lampoon his folicular infrastructure. I hope you don't think less of me for it.
Idk, if he wants to wear makeup and a goody ass haircut, that is fine. He wants to be taller and wear risers, fine, do you. But i never understand how people are fine with being out of absolute shape fatass.
I don't fault him for that. Getting old sucks, and it affects people differently. Many get bigger without much effort and there may be underlying conditions that limit ones ability to exercise sufficiently. I'm okay with Trump being heavy, lying about it egregiously is a different story.
Either way, I'd just wonder what you think this means - like overly styled? every politician is gonna have the makeup and hair people hovering around, sure... but donny's sculpting 9"s of sideburns as hair around the crown of his head. I wouldn't call that a goody ass haircut, I'd call it copium and mass delusion on the part of his marks.
Black man thinks he’s fancy with his deejohn mustard and multigrain bread?! It’s called the White House for a reason! White bread wrapped around butter, deep fried in the tears of mothers who lost heroes fighting for FREEDOM!”
If I were prominent and running against trump, I would literally do all of Trump's embarrassing things just once each, so that I can use the GOP to generate its own attack ads for me. Not the personal assaults or anything policy-wise obviously.
It's be shocked if Biden didn't put on any makeup tbh
I just assume anyone who spends most of their time under immense public scrutiny would use at a minimum a very light amount of makeup. It's basically undetectable but makes a noticable difference in how you are perceived.
The fact that he is bright orange all the time exposes the issue that he has no one around him that will be honest with him, a trait common to very rich and or powerful people. Its also a massive red flag (orange flag?) which says do not let this person near levers of power.
Yeah the world is full of people that actually think, for example, someone like Ming na Wen or her staff, isn't very, very good at makeup, and they actually look like that at 55.
I don't know, I think I'd put money on him being blissfully unaware of how it looks. He surrounds himself with sycophants who protect him from that sort of negative energy.
They would straight faced say he’s ashamed of his white skin or he’s pandering to people of color. Maybe someone should pop that question to the orange buffoon and watch his brain short circuit more than it already has