Anyone else getting a failed Play System update?
Anyone else getting a failed Play System update?
Tried a few times but seems to always fail, anyone else?
Anyone else getting a failed Play System update?
Tried a few times but seems to always fail, anyone else?
Pixel 7 Pro. Not working for me either.
I'm on a Pixel 6, and my last security update seems to be July 5. There's actually another new security update that's applying now. I'll report back if it doesn't go. Never had one fail though. 🫤
You're not the only one! I've restarted multiple times but still didn't update past June (same issue with last month's update).
I should mention that I'm on Pixel 4a
Worked here. Try to reboot / clear cache maybe ?
Same on my Pixel 7Pro, since the Play Store update for July was released several days ago.