What "LGB without the T" means
What "LGB without the T" means
What "LGB without the T" means
I feel like people might think this is figurative, or like maybe it's a simplistic story, but it's very real. In the 70s, it was never "LGBT" it was gay organizations, lesbian organizations, transsexual or transvestite organizations, gay and lesbian organizations, but not all together. It was only the threat posed by the AIDS crisis that spurred the creation of organizations like Queer Nation it was in this climate that the coalition building happened, and where things like equal marriage became a rallying cry (as many people watched their loved ones die and have their affairs revert to--often homophobic--next of kin rather than their lifelong partners)
It was only the threat posed by the AIDS crisis that spurred the creation of organizations like Queer Nation it was in this climate that the coalition building happened, and where things like equal marriage became a rallying cry (as many people watched their loved ones die and have their affairs revert to–often homophobic–next of kin rather than their lifelong partners)
the biggest irony to all of it is that we now support the people that ignored the aids crisis and helped make equal marriage illegal; eg biden.
He certainly fucked that up, but gladly looks like he's fucking up less nowadays.
Yes biden is a straight neoliberal, yes he has supported some bad things. He is a straight line party man. Yes he isn't progressive in any sense. Yes he isn't doing enough for the climate at all. Yes he is a strike breaker whenever he feels like it, the rat bastard.
However, the biden administration has done 4 huge things including:
These three bills plus the American rescue plan would be capstones individually for a presidency.
He isn't a good person, he isn't progressive, he isn't what the world needs, but his administratiln is getting shit done when things have been at a standstill or a regression for 20 years.
Divide and conquer is an age old strategy.
Huh so I am not alone thanks
Getting Steven Universe vibes from this.
The biggest problem with the Trans specific community is that there's a lot of hesitation from within and surrounding allies to call out the crazy stuff that's being pushed. Most people are okay, for example, with queer books being in schools. Most people are not okay with pornography in certain books. Can't we push queer books that talk about age-appropriate sexuality without pictures of people giving blow jobs to strap-ons? My mom would have had a fit if she found anything like that between straight couples in my school library.
So, it comes out that some books contain this explicit material, and instead of the queer activists/supporters saying: "Alright, yeah, this material shouldn't be here. How about replacing them with these queer books that don't contain explicit material?" They said: "fuck you, there's nothing wrong with this, you're just a bigoted transphobe."
That's where we're losing a lot of support. Because most people draw a line at explicit material for those underage. If they physically see that it's there, and advocates are shouting that it's not there (and if it is there, that it's a good thing anyway 🙄) then rational supporters are going to take a big step back and say "whoa, that's going too far." And you're going to get some who say: "yeah, let's take it all out, at least until we can be sure the explicit stuff is gone." The tactic of denying that the explicit stuff exists in the face of reality does not work. It causes people to pull away instead of supporting the overall goal.
What pornographic books with strapons are you talking about
The books aren't pornographic in their whole, but they have pornographic material in them. The two that have gotten major publicity are:
“The use of feminist, queer, and sex positive broadens the search for trans women/femmes, trans lesbians, trans fags, gender fuckers, and all trans no/op, pre-op, and post-op folks.”
“If you find a porn star you really like, hit them up on Twitter or another platform and ask them what they would recommend.”
“It may surprise you how little people talk about porn or respond to your work face to face,” wrote another contributor, “but if you make something wonderful you could change someone’s life.”
“Just start filming and get comfortable around the camera,” another contributor wrote.
And listen, I have no issues with porn. Most of us find it online when we're young anyway. But that doesnt mean it should be offered how to navigate it, or how to start doing it yourself in school, even in high schools. Most people, including most people in the LBGT+ communities agree that there's a line to draw here. Leave it up to individual parents to decide how to manage what their kids come into contact with.
These two books caused a firestorm, and when it was shown what had parents upset, instead of saying: "here are some alternatives that have the same themes with no explicit content" activists said: "fuck you, you're lying" or "fuck you, there's nothing wrong with showing this."
Such a dumb response, because it pushes rational people away who see/hear that response and think: "wtf, why are they denying what I'm seeing with my own eyes?" Or "of course there's something wrong with teenagers in high school reading text about how to make their own porn, these activists are crazy". It literally ensures there's going to be a bigger backlash and they'll start going overboard.
I don't like the source I have, by the way. It's incredibly politically biased and one sided, but it's the only site that lists the explicit parts. I also need to point out that I don't agree with everything that's listed in this writeup as being bad. I think talking about what goes into being a trans person is a good thing, and would 100% be on board with these books in high schools if the sexuality explicit stuff weren't in them. Source.
Like, there have to be queer books out there that are actually age-appropriate, right? Why aren't we pushing those?
I would just like to point out that I do think this is a very reasonable take even if you're being downvoted. Perhaps there's no literal books of people blowing strap-ons, perhaps plenty of people don't consider that inappropriate for children. But it's never unreasonable to try to understand your "opponents" in a battle, and even perhaps come to compromise. Most social movements start by asking for a lot, then dialing back to more "agreeable" terms. Sure, the fight isn't over yet, but a battle being won is still important.
What's explicit about somebody licking a piece of plastic? I think teenagers draw worse things on their desks.
Not all degenerates are created equal.
Although these days its less a bird and more like a katamari that just seems to stick everything to it to the point it has lost all its shape and meaning. To the point that its gotten too 2SLGBTQ+=
Dude. Relax.
Trans isn’t really the same sort of thing as Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Ace (which all describe sexual partner preferences not gender identities/expression) and I think that confuses people sometimes
Some jackass on the street is going to call me a f****t no matter which letter of LGBT they clock me on
And? Trans individuals were fighting alongside the rest of us for gay rights, gay marriage, etc, since the very beginning. People forget it was the out, loud and proud "freaks" and "weirdos" that spearhead the movement because they were brave enough to speak out when the rest of us couldn't/wouldn't. Many of them were trans individuals who put themselves in danger for the cause. Now the heat is off us and is on them, and we hang them out to dry because some people "might be confused"? Anyone with this mentality can please fuck right off.
I'm genderqueer, but growing up in a crappy little Midwest town, not conforming to gender norms meant I was "gay" and I was bullied for being gay. The bigots we're never confused, they are out to get us all.
And so my closest friends were and are the LGBT+ fam, because our reasons and identities may be different, but the prejudices we face are remarkably similar.
Everyone of every stripe has the potential to face similer prejudice based on circumstance. Activists cant take the stand of all lives matter because they need to priortise the lives of others the value more. As their perception of morality is relative to what they know and can see
June being pride month was literally started by a trans woman throwing a brick at a cop and her community (including gay people) rallying around her.
And now its known for a naked old men gyrating at children. The lgbt gotta crack down on the degenerates hurting their cause
You're quite right.
Having gender dysphoria is not the same as a sexual orientation.
And the trans movement is convincing gay kids they are a different gender and medicalising them.
But because the T has joined the LGB umbrella - any sane questioning of the trans movement - not trans people, the trans movement - is met with accusations of bigotry.
It's the perfect hiding place.
The real fantasy here is that the lgbtqia+ community is something other than fractions of a percentage of the population with extremely niche interests. Voltron all you like, but you're still an extremely small percentage of the whole with an extremely overexposed media footprint. I'm glad yall are being celebrated again as my people once celebrated and venerated twinsouls, but we also need to refocus our outrage on the shit that affects all of us, like net neutrality and basic right to live shit. Gender affirming care is wonderful for the people who have ready access to food, water, and shelter. I am more worried about the people who don't have even those basic things. And the number of those people in this country grows every day.
Whether or not you meant it this way, your argument has been used to downplay important social issues for over 100 years, probably a lot longer.
I've heard "Why spend so much effort on X when people are dying out there?"
Where X is womens' voting rights, Black rights, sexual freedoms, political freedoms, and religious freedoms just off the top of my head in the US alone.
If you did mean it with good intentions and not as a debate tactic, know that we can work on two things at once. To use the US as an example again, most of those things I addressed were indeed improved and it's not like other things just fell by the wayside. We vastly improved food safety, workplace safety, hunger, infrastructure, etc. at the same time.
What I'm saying is that I'm tired of hearing about wants constantly on the news when our country is filled with so much need it hurts. You want to transition. That's good. I'm so happy for you that you've figured out who you want to be. You want a safe community for all your people to gather and share. Totally understandable, people have been doing that for thousands of years. What I am concerned about is what people NEED to live. People need shelter that doesn't make them unable to afford food. People need food that isn't so preserved with chemicals and colorants it gives them cancer 20 years down the line. People need water that isn't full of whatever runoff dupont feels like dumping in 10 miles up the river. None of the other issues become any less important, but we need to understand that needs are more important than wants on a fundamental level. And we are not meeting the needs of our people. Until that happens, I'm gonna be mad about people crying for their wants.
and basic right to live shit
You're so very close. The LGBT+ is fighting for exactly that. They're on that front line. And if that front line breaks, they'll come for your half a twin soul next.
As an overwhelming majority, they arent. The ones with mental health issues might be, which are disproportionately common considering the extremely small percentage of the population we have been talking about to begin with. However, imo that's a larger mental health care issue than strictly a lgbtia+ issue anyways. The point I'm making here is that people truly struggling with basic right to live shit (ie food, water, shelter) arent worried about getting their next dose of hormones or what dive bar they can pick up some ass at. Look at the truly poor communities and tell me that a gay bar and some estrogen pills will do anything for them. You'll tell me next "oh no it's about identity and the right to be who they are!!1!" Lmfao imagine being so fucking free as to CHOOSE your own identity instead of having it branded on you at birth like a fucking animal. Hell, some of you even get to choose new parts if the factory didn't send you what you wanted. Meanwhile, on the actual rez, Sam the injun boy gets to play with arid dirt and hope the financial services check comes on time this month so mom and dad don't scream so much. You see the disparity here?
Hi we can fight about other things too? like I'm also fucking super concerned about how religious institutions are infiltrating our government and other positions of power and how there are still so many mass shootings, and the opioid crisis, and mental health is still abysmal, and dental insurance is a joke even though bad teeth hurt your health.. oh and earth is basically fucking melting and people STILL deny global warming. Look see a person can be aware and care about a lot and consider all the things important! You're making the same type of argument that would come up with ANY progressive outcry of injustice, same fucking arguments happened with police brutality against people of color. Lawmakers don't have to focus on just ONE FUCKING THING and progress doesn't have to either.
And fuck this shit people still die from being LGBTQA. Fuck off with "you're too small to matter enough to protect" bullshit. I get it if you feel like it has too much media attention it's mostly because it became profitable to talk about it. That's capitalism at work but don't lessen and downplay a legitimate fight for equality because of that.
It's not a fight for equality. Nobody wants equality because equal for us sucks every ass. It's a fight to be at the front of the line for the money fountain, and every feel good story about an eleventy thousand dollar hormone treatment that got approved could have been a fucking well in a reservation that would have given clean water to hundreds of native people. I'm glad Suzy doesn't have to be Kevin any more, but Kevin still would have had food, water, and a place to sleep. Some of us don't even have that. So yeah, until all of us have the basic shit covered, I'm going to mad about the overexposure of a niche group who cry about their wants instead of recognizing all the need around them.
I mean, let's not pretend that everyone in that group thinks the same way about this issue.
Plus, we'd do better to stop equating people finding gender ideology to be incoherent with "intolerance."
That’s what happens when your group gets mainstream or majority support and you forget that it came with the blood, sweat, tears and bruised bodies of the ones who threw the first bricks at Stonewall.
“I don’t get it, but you do you”: if you can’t help at least do no harm.
"LGB Alliance" is an astroturf front group for the heritage foundation that's led by straight people, hope that helps!
You really thought to pull up and just shout "I read and believe bigot propoganda".
What did you think you proved here?
Of course the LGBTQ+ community is not a monolith, barely any large community is. But that "alliance" in particular is exactly the kind of group this comic is aimed at. It's no secret the LGB alliance is cheered on by some hard right conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation.United we stand, divided we fall.
"T" does not fit, hahahha. Literally gay means therr are 2 genders, same with Lesbian. Damn the word 'bisexual' literally means there are 2 sexualities. Hahahhaha
Uh there's a word for everything in between, male, female and nonbinary. It's a spectrum, there's even a word for people that are into all orientations and genders, pansexual.
A spectrum that Bisexual defines as 2 :)
T is people transition from ONE GENDER TO ANOTHER. Two of them. Not that hard to figure out. Silly biggots.
Try to say that to people who think there is an infinate number of genders hahahha
Hydrogen is 74% of everything in the universe, and Helium is 24%. Who cares about all the rest? It's only one percent so clearly it doesn't matter.