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Children's Book Tries to Convince Kids That Euthanizing People is OK Children's Book Tries to Convince Kids That Euthanizing People is OK -

Children are being indoctrinated into everything that subverts traditional values these days, and in Canada that includes bringing children along when a loved one is being euthanized — which goes by the euphemism MAID for medical assistance in dying. Children are introduced into the medical killing ...

Children's Book Tries to Convince Kids That Euthanizing People is OK -

Once we endorse killing as an acceptable answer to human suffering, we have to train the children that killing is okay. Because they are not stupid and will know that their loved one is being terminated, and their immediate instinct will probably be that it is wrong.

The whole euthanasia agenda is gut-wrenching, morally destructive, and wrong. It not only ends the life of despairing people who are abandoned by the “It’s your choice” deflection, but as this book illustrates, has the potential to seriously impact the emotional well-being of children in the family who watch as their loved one’s killing is discussed, planned, and executed.