Vladimir Egorov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead on Wednesday, according to Russian state media. Tobolsk City Duma deputy Egorov, 46, a member of Putin's ruling United Russia party, fell from the third floor window of a house on Kedrovaya Street in Tobolsk in the Tyumen Oblast, Russian Telegram channel Baza, which has links to Russian security services, reported. Russian daily newspaper Izvestia also cited a source as saying that Egorov could have fallen out of a third floor window. Newsweek couldn't immediately verify the cause of Egorov's death and has contacted Russia's Foreign Ministry via email for comment. The press service of the Investigative Directorate for the Tyumen region told Russia's state-run news agency RIA Novosti that investigators are "establishing all the circumstances of the incident." Last year, Egorov became one of the richest deputies of Tobolsk, with his income amounting to 9.1 million rubles (about $100,500), Russian news outlet RBC reported on Thursday.
I don't know what is more dissappointing: the lack of creativity in how these murders are covered up or that Russia is in such a sorry state that the powers that be see no need to bother.
The point isn’t to cover it up (well). It’s a warning to others who might question those in power.
What this particular Vlad did to earn a defenestration - I have no idea. But no one else will try it anytime soon if they’re also susceptible to gravity-accelerated blunt force trauma.
It's a fine line. They don't want people to conclusively prove that it's them, but they want people familiar with them to know that it most likely is them.
The interesting thing about this one is how low it was. There's a decent enough chance of surviving falling from the 3rd storey, which suggests they would have ensured his death some other way.
Yea the comments are always the same tired defenestrate or hand-rail jokes on these articles but honestly it’s just sad to see that accountability has fallen so far that the despotic government of Russia doesn’t even try making these look believable
Or, and hear me out, the Russians developed a breed of super predator windows that seek out people (who just so happen to have annoyed the overlords), sneak up on them, gobble them up and shit them out the other side of the wall.... just a theory.
Nope, the blood pattern clearly shows he shot himself after he hit the ground. Clearly, this man went above and beyond to kill himself. A Russian patriot.
As an architectural professional, I kinda want to skim over Russian building codes on the off-chance that they just have really shitty practice around fall protection at windows, and all of our jokes about it misunderstand the situtation after all.
Falling out windows seem like a leading cause of death in russia, just after going on jaunts across the border in Ukraine. And both are easily preventable.
“Four Putin allies/suspected enemies/whatever found dead after falling in the same bathtub and drowning. Putin’s surviving allies maintain, ‘This is fine.’”
Nothing to see here. According to 72.ru, one of the most likely reasons to fall out of window is "heart conditions". No joke. Source: https://72.ru/text/incidents/2023/12/28/73068230/ - "One of the most likely causes - heart problems, - our interlocutor clarified." - Translation by Firefox Translations.