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  • Blue door without question. Even if there was a stipulation that I couldn't invest in stocks or bitcoin or do anything else that would make me rich.

    I fantasise about going back and doing it all again, not making huge changes, but little ones, living my life with the knowledge and security I have now, so I would be able to enjoy my childhood instead of stressing about the future, I could be kinder to people around me and help them when they were struggling. I could tell the people I loved that I loved them instead of keeping those feeling held back due to insecurity. I could spend more time with my pets when I was "too busy" before. I could start the hobbies and sports I ended up loving as a child, and actually have the chance to be competitive at them.

  • Red Door. Fuck dealing with my life again during that time. Plus, the butterfly effect would be a major concern.

  • Easily the money. There were many things in life that didn’t go quite right for me, but there was a lot that did as well. If I muck around with what already happened, I might end up worse than I did.

  • I'm happy with how my life turned out for the most part. Red door to make the rest of it more fun and less stressful

  • If I fixed all my mistakes in the past, me would not be me. So the choice is really between my death and 10 mil. I will leave to to the reader to guess which one I choose. You have two attempts.